Cab fare Cost
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Taxi fares from Cosmo to Mirage - Las Vegas Forum
I tried to put it on one of those taxi fare sites that said it was 26 leagues, so that's... iffy. Besides, at Cosmo's, where's the best place to actually take a cab? It' easy for you to run from Cosmo to Mirage (and I'm Old LOL). Wouldn't it be simpler to just go?
This is a really simple stroll (you don't even have to go across Las Vegas Blvd). However, as others say, it's a 10-15 minutes light stroll, wow, I didn't know the stroll was so simple! SINGLE place to get a taxi at Cosmo is in the Taxi / Limousine area at the reception.
In general, I take taxis everywhere, but I concur with others that this is not a poor stroll. It'?s not simple, but it's not terrible. Here is a funny little turn in deciding the way from the taxi. When you are in the east tower of Cosmo, you are very near the Strip........ on foot!
Final result of the selection will be the selection of footwear for your girl.
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