Charter Flights
charter flightsTreat yourself to the private space and comfort you won't find with regular flights. To give you great views from the skies of our island, we can also organise an island excursion of 10, 20, 30 or even more time! In order to satisfy your needs, a team of experienced specialists is at your disposal who will be pleased to work with you to organise your journey at the dates you desire.
Explore our travel and charter offers below.
"With Department of Transportation (DOT) clearance, we will begin today with booking for the launch of the regular services on April 2," said Jim Swieter, founding director of iJet Charters in Fort Lauderdale, which offers merchandising and reservation services to the director of Carrier Meregrass, Inc. and DBA Wildcat Touring.
"With Department of Transportation (DOT) clearance, we will begin today with chartering for the April 2 launch," said Jim Swieter, founding director of iJet Charters in Fort Lauderdale, which offers merchandising and reservation services to the director of Carrier Meregrass, Inc. and DBA Wildcat Touring. Mr. Swieter said that flights aboard Meregrass, Inc.'s new Saab 2000 plane, which offers all premium-class seats and high-speed cruises, will now be booked for return flights from the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International (FLL) to Marsh Harbour, North Eleuthera, Freeport and Key West.
It is also possible to charter a regular service from New York to Marsh Harbour. Regular flights from Fort Lauderdale and Miami to Nassau are also expected in the near term. Return flights depart at $329 (plus VAT). Mr Swieter said that Sheltair's planned charter will depart from Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International (FLL), which will rationalise the check-in procedure.
A few flights back will be arriving at FLL Terminal 4. The Saab 2000 is a twin-engined high-speed airplane with an avarage cruise rate of 425 km/h, a certificated limit of 31,000 feet and a non-stop operating distance of 1,300 mile. The Meregrass Saab 2000 is the first and only Meregrass Saab 2000 with a 135 charter certification featuring an all-glass flying platform (Collins Pro-Line IV).
Meregrass, headquartered in Quahadi Field just south and west of Dallas, Texas, provides the most versatile charter airline charter portfolio in the globe, offering Falcon Jet flights on long, mid and long haul routes. IJet Charters was established by Jim Swieter, one of the most energetic companies in the aerospace and tourism industries.
With the latest Amadeus technologies, IJet's seasoned employees offer full charter, line ticket or a mix of both.