Charter Internet Service number
Internet Charter Service NumberEU Charter of Fundamental Rights as a binding instrument: 5 years old.....
When the Lisbon Treaty entered into effect in 2009, the Charter of fundamental human freedoms of the EU was given mandatory effect. Will this change the EU's engagement with basic human Rights? Could she change that obligation? How can we, if at all, reconcile rival laws and practices? The interplay between the socioeconomic sphere and the economy poses a particular problem.
To what extent does the EU concept of basic human right integrate into and integrate into it? What degree of leeway was given to the Court in these interpretation decisions? How will another of the Lisbon Treaty's reform achievements, the EU's obligation to join the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights on Human Beings, have an impact?
All of these issues are addressed in this volume in the context of the Charter's five-year experience as a mandatory tool. Whose decisions on fundamental rights issues in Europe? Mr Sybe de Vries is Professor of EU Internal Market Law and Fundamental Rights and Jean Monnet Chair at the Europe Institute of the University of Utrecht.
Mr. Bernitz is Professor of European Law at Stockholm University, Head of the Stockhom Institute of European Law and Head of Oxford/Stockholm Venture in European Law. Professor Stephen Weatherill is Professor of European Law at the University of Oxford, Fellow of Somerville College and Deputy European Law Professor at the Institute of European and Comparative Law of the Law Faculty of Oxford Law Faculty.
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