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As we are GPS computer controlled, each call is matched to the nearest available cabin. Arrange an appointment with our taxi service to reach your destination today! Better service in the car 24/7, 365/year, we are at your service to offer you a high standard of service for all your air transport needs. Our goal is to offer the most secure and dependable transport in the New York City metropolitan area. When you have an overseas mobile telephone, please call us immediately after landing so that we can give you your mobile number for direct communication.

Give us a call to go or come from any New York City or New Jersey venue. It doesn't make any difference at what hour or date, Jupiter can service you. Regardless of whether it's a call from the location or a field call, we aim to deliver the most convenient and professionally managed service a vehicle service can do.

24 hour a days, 7 weekdays, 365 a year. Allow us to offer you a better service level for your business! At Jupiter, we offer large organizations the opportunity to take advantage of our full range of services. Providing a quick and cost effective express messenger and despatch service within the NYC area. You have an important role to play in your own company and place the highest demands on your company's QA system.

Understanding the needs of burgeoning homes, there is no need for you not to be able to join the youngest members of your home. In just a few seconds, all our cars can be equipped with convertable child safety seat. Employees wait 24 and 7 working nights a month to respond to all your queries and offer superior service.

All our vehicles can be equipped with convertable baby or toddler seat. You have an important role to play in your home and place the highest demands on your security and your work. Understanding the needs of burgeoning homes, there is no need for you not to be able to join the youngest members of your home.

Each of our cars can be equipped with convertable front or back seat that can be adjusted in a few seconds. For older kids we also offer child safety chairs.

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