Dc Taxi
TaxicabBut if you rather find your way around by your own vehicle, you will find a good choice of large landlords at each of the three airports: Washington National Airport, Baltimore/Washington International Airport et Dulles International Airport. Renting a vehicle can help if you want to explore Baltimore or the more historic areas of Virginia, which are not easily accessible by metro.
When you need a vehicle for a longer period of your life, think of Zipcar, where you can hire a vehicle or a lorry by the hours - the sites are all over the town, and include fuel and insurances. Where do you know there's a cab available in Washington, D.C.? What does a cab cost in Washington, D.C.?
Waiting fee, if the taxi drives more slowly than a certain velocity, e.g. flashing lights, stop sign, cars, is $25 per hours. Charges may apply from certain destinations, e.g. Reagan International Airport may add $2.00 for travel. We recommend an on-line computer such as the Washington DC Taxi Price calculator for estimating fares.
Please be aware that there will be supplements for supplemental luggage, supplemental passenger, in case of emergency due to heavy snows, Rushhour trip and gasoline in periods of high price of gases. To ensure that you arrive at your destinations on schedule and in a stylish manner, you should call a driver to collect you from the airports.
When choosing to have an on hour service, you should check to see if there is a min. number of hour for the car you have ordered. Always make sure that you compare apple to apple, ask ALWAYS if the price is all-inclusive or if they have extra charges. Standard charges are 20% tip, 7% petrol, early AM and evening if the journey takes place between 12.00 and 5.00, airports charges, car park and waiting times.
While there are many local, national and international facilities available, keep in mind that you get what you are paying for, most Elite Limo facilities will give you a free offer. A 24-hour scheduling system is available so that you can talk to a live passenger at any time, and each trip is monitored accurately by their employees through the use of on-board positioning and updating of drivers' current car information via a portable application.