Expedia multiple Flights
Several Expedia flightsI tried to change direction and go back and go back again, but it just resets my last multiple jump, three feet. Certainly there must be a way to delete a foot from a multi-trip without erasing all my cookie. It' freaks me out, and I have to book this plane this mornin'.
It' s insane that you have to delete a cookie just to do a new look. Amex is not on the carrier, so I'll book with Expedia. Perform a query with a new webrowser? I' ve just made some reservations for dummies on the expedia.com and .co.uk web sites. Look for a 3-flight journey and get results - click the Modify Lookup page to return to the lookup and just delete the departure/arrival towns of the third one.
Occasionally, a query with totally different criterias is performed to clear the prior query. It should have a searching feature. Simply look for "expedia" and remove all associated cookie files. I can' use the deletion keys. They don't work on me. I' ve been looking for a 3-part journey and on the results page there's a podium on the far right where you can fine-tune your results.
There, you can clear the third section by emptying all boxes and re-entering the first two sections. If you then refresh your results, you will receive the two-way itinerary. The flights are on now. Nearly an hours and a half to make two reservations. I just tried a stupid multi-city reservation on Expedia.
Performed a three-legged sweep, received the results, and then returned to the sweep page with the Back arrows. Once I had marked the date box for the third stage, I had no trouble getting the date to be cleared via the Clear Buttons, as well as the "To" and "From" information, which caused the third stage to be cleared from the find.
Each website I have used (third-party and airline) has a "Change Search", "Change Search" or "Start New Search" buttons that takes you back to the Find page where you can change your query. Just yesterdays I was booking a multi-city tour (although not on Expedia) and had no trouble changing my query once I did the first one.
I am interested in which browser the OR is using, which has caused it to take so long for flights to be made.