G4 Plane

Level G4

class="mw-editsection-bracket">[edit]/span> Gulfstream IV (or G-IV or GIV) and derivates are a familiy of twin-engined aeroplanes intended primarily for personal or work use. Gulfstream Aerospace, a General Dynamics enterprise headquartered in Savannah, Georgia, USA, engineered and manufactured them from 1985 to 2018. US Army version of the IV, referred to as C-20F/G/H/J Gulfstream IV in the Ministry of Defence.

16 ] The C-20F is a GIV vehicle used by the U.S. Army in a commando and managing transportation function. U.S. Marine Corps VIP C-20G, also known as the "Grey Ghost" The C-20H is a GIV-SP aircraft powered by the U.S. Air Force in a senior capacity. C-20J is a GIV-SP aircraft operating in a commando and managing transportation function for the U.S. Army.

United States Department of Defense planes C-20A/B/C/D/E are all Gulfstream III versions. Passengers, corporations and executives operate the airplane in conjunction with fractal owner programmes. Botswana Air Force runs a unique G-IV for transporting VIPs. For the Chilean Air Force, a G-IV is in command and control.

Ivory Coast Air Force as V.I.P. transportation. Egypt's Air Force has four G-IVs in command and leadership roles. Officially, the Jordanian Air Force is operating 3 G-450s for transporting VIPs. Japan Air Self-Defense Force is operating five G-IVs under the name U-4 that have been adapted to integrate a large freight doors and can move palletised freight and passengers blends similar to U.S. Navy and Marines C-20Gs.

Mexico Navy uses a G-450 to carry Governments and VIPs. Royal Netherlands Air Force runs a G-IV SP in a commander/governor capacity. Royal Saudi Air Force runs a G-IV in a commandant/government capacity. Army is operating two G-IVs SP and two Go450s in the roll of Med/Vac-Transportes.

Saud's Minister of Finance and Economy runs a G-IV (G300). Saudis Arab Airlines is operating 6 G-IVs for state use. There are four Gulfstream-IV SPs in the SIGINT roll, two of which are modifications of the G-IV line and are named S 102B Korpen (Raven). Two further planes, a G-IV with the designation TP 102A and a G-IV SP with the designation TP 102C, are used as transportation for the Royal Family and the Prime Minister.

There is a G-IV SP operated by the Turkey Air Force in a commanding and leading capacity. Pakistan Air Force has four G-IV FPs in the rolls commandant / export transportation. VIP transportation for Falcon Aviation Services. The NOAA Commissioned Officer Corps - runs a G-IV-SP in a capacity for atmosphere research and cyclone pursuit.

Venezuela's Air Force runs a G-IV in a commanding and leading capacity. Skip up to: a y Kate Sarsfield (January 23, 2018). "The Gulfstream is launching the G500 worldwide demonstration tour." Skip up ^ "Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation". Skip to top ^ "Operations Planning Guide" (PDF). Commercial and commercial aviation. Skip to top ^ "Business Jets Specifications and Performance Data" (PDF).

and business aviation. Hop, Springen Sie hoch ^ Chandrasekharan, R.M., Murphy, W.R., Taverna, F.P. und Boppe, C.W., "Computational Aerodynamic of the Gulfstream IV Wing", 85-0427 APIA A, päsentiert at dem APIAA 23e réunion scientifique aéronautique, Reno Nevada, Januar 1985. Hop up, Boppe, Charles W., Computational Aerodynamic Design: X-29, die Gulfstream Series and a Tactical Fighter", MAE Papers 851789, 1985 Wright Brothers Award Papers, präsentiert auf der Aerospace Technology Conference & Exposition, Long Beach California, Oktober 1985.

Hop up ^ Joel Thomas (May 19, 2014). "Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation History". STRATO'S AIR CHARTER. Hop up to: a and Frawley, Gerald. "The Gulfstream IV, G300 & G400." Publications on aerospace, 2003. Skip up to: a in " Type Certificate Date Sheet NO. Skip up to: a for " Gulfstream IV."

Commercial and civil aviation. Skip up ^ "Flight test : Gulstream G450 - Heritage obvious". Skip to top ^ "Gulfstream IV-SP (G-IV). Leap up ^ Image of the Gulfstream Aerospace G-IV Gulfstream IV-SP plane Returned on November 1, 2011. Hop up, Lacy, Clay. DoD 4120-15L, model name for military aviation vehicles.

Hop up ^ Fred George (November 24, 2014). and business aviation. Skip up ^ The editor, . Hop up to: a c Gerard Frawley. "The Gulfstream Aerospace G-IV Gulfstream IV." Skip to top ^ "G350 Specifications" (PDF). Gulf Stream. Skip to top ^ "G450 Specifications" (PDF). Gulf Stream. "The Gulfstream IV SP SP Operator Survey" (PDF).

and business aviation. and business aviation.

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