Expense Report Receipt Generator
Cost Accounting Document GeneratorDo you recognize deceptive evidence?
If you' re searching through a hundred documents and you come across a dubious one, how can you be sure it' s a scam? The times when you picked up empty vouchers from a taxi driver are long gone. The emergence of new technologies has never made the production of receipt systems so easy. Using just one fast Google lookup, I came across two on-line utilities (Express Expense and Fake Receipt) that generated a wealth of evidence - for Uber, Hotel, Gas, Food, Cooking and more.
Using the utility, I generated a few vouchers and checked them against legal vouchers. After many years in the field of detecting frauds, it was difficult for me to see the difference at first sight. And the more I gazed at each receipt, the more realistic they were. Surveyed the linked-in user, we asked them to identify the cheating voucher among the two available choices.
Beyond the knowledge of the receipt they selected, it was interesting to study their argument. An overwhelming consensus thought receipt #2 was cheating. These are some of their reasons: there wasn't the contents awaited on a tank receipt, an extra gray locker seemed suspect, or it seemed as if it had been tipped.
There were a few who thought receipt #1 was cheating because it was " too flawless " and had contents that didn't seem trusted. In fact, some even thought they were both cheating! Have a look at the two documents yourself - what do you think is frauds? It is difficult for the unaided eye to identify counterfeit receipt among the hundred you are searching.
Boundaries begin to become blurred between what is legitimately and what is not. Some of the keys I use to detect deceptive vouchers are: misspellings, lack of information, time stamps that overlap with other vouchers in the employee's expense report, and false supplier information. The development of an investigation approach is the enabler for identifying deceptive expense reimbursement.
Because we think like a cheater, let's look at some cheating programs that staff could participate in by filing counterfeit receipts: It is difficult for a T&E sample dredge to identify one of these cost recovery systems. Think of a utility where all documents are "viewed" by one and the same computer.
The system combines all information from the receipt and the employee's other expense claims into spots. Samples like this: a person who submits several meal refund claims she had with her spouse with supporting documents that she has been printing from an on-line receipt generator. This extra revenue brings him beyond the usual allocation of expenses for someone at his marketing levels.