Flying car Concept
Airborne car conceptThe Aston Martin concept of the flying car is ready for James Bond.
An Aston Martin can take you anywhere you want to go quickly and stylishly - maybe even into the skies. UK based manufacturer of luxurious cars has introduced its concept of a flying car and calls it the Volante Vision Concept. The Volante Vision is a self-propelled - or in this case flying - hybrids car with the ability to take off and land vertically like a chopper at home on the floor or in the air.
Matthew Clarke, spokesperson, said the Earliest the car would fly would be the center of the next decade. Here are a few examples. "The concept is designed to showcase new technology, material and sleek shapes - it's a research and development project, but we see ways to produce as part of the design," said Aston Martin spokesperson Matt Clarke.
But, hey, nobody ever said Aston Martins was low. These powerful deluxe automobiles are mainly known as the Bond - James Bond automobiles. Featuring two smaller front and one large back propeller, the flying car looks like a jumpbo model of a UAV.
Auto Flying - News, Reviews, Featured Cars
City-Hawk VTOL aircraft enter full-scale deployment, Israel's Urban Aeronautics (UA) has just heralded its entry into full-scale deployment of its City-Hawk VTOL aircraft. According to a recently published Terrafugia news report, the first serial versions of the transitional aircraft will be launched next year.
So, when these boys announce a four- to five-passenger VTOL jet with a top velocity of 250 km/h and a cruising distance of 500 miles, it's time to listen. The Canadian airline Opener Inc. has introduced its new single-seater BlackFly Personal Aerial Vehicle (PAV) and the world's first ultra-light all-electric VTOL (Vertical Take-Off and Landing).
Tonight we get our first look at the production-ready flyer from Kitty Hawk, a 10-rotor, single-seater sports and recreational multi-carrier that offers the pilot around 20-minute flying pleasure in saucers at heights up to 10 ft. To avoid being stuck on the floor by the ongoing difficulties here, Uber is driving his flying taxis ambition forward at his Elevate meeting in LA this weekend.
Some of the novelties that will come out of the show include a new contract with NASA and some eye-catching new ideas. The flying taxis cene is a busy place today, but some move quicker than others. Workinghorse presented its Surefly aircraft for the first glider at the Paris Aviation Show in June last year and has now launched it for the first glider with one onboard.
Like Terrafugia and Pal-V, AeroMobil has designed a flying car/roadable airplane that needs a take-off and landing area. However, this Wednesday the firm promised its plan for an electrical VTOL take-off and landing vehicle.