Taxi Vantaa

Vantaa taxi

What does a taxi cost in Vantaa, Finland? In Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa, for example, exactly the same address can exist. Full licensed taxi service from and to Vantaa Airport.

Zone 1: Helsinki, Vantaa

Prices for the shuttles includes one stop from and to the international airports. Please call our reservation centre at +358 600 555 555 or make your reservation on-line or load down the Yellow Line App from the AppStore or GooglePlay and reserve a taxi. For further information please call our offices at the following telephone number If you are traveling with specific baggage (large scale instrumentation, sport gear, domestic animals, etc.), please arrange transportation privately.

fares information

On this page your taxi rate will be calculated with the taxi rate of Vantaa, Finland. First, type your trip information into the boxes below the card. The results are all estimated and may differ based on outside conditions such as transport and weathers. Her last ticket price estimation had a mistake. What does a taxi charge?

In order to see the route description, look for the ticket price over the above boxes.

Airport-taxi - Lähitaksi

From Helsinki-Vantaa airport: The Lähitaksi taxi service operates from Helsinki-Vantaa International Airports, directly in front of Terminals 1 and 2. Lähitaksi taxi service is located directly in the front line. You can find the taxi area maps here. Our offers are set rates and a secure journey.

Arrival at Helsinki-Vantaa airport: You can order a taxi from our Call Center: 0200 7300 (1,25 + 0,25 / 10 sec + LAN fee) or order for free via the Lähitaksi portable software, which you can also directly from your iPhone or iPod touch iPhone from your iPhone or iPod touch iPhone directly from your iPhone or iPod touch iPhone.

If you order a Lähitaksi via our Call Centre or by using a mobil phone you will find the price here. No matter if your employees or your travellers, let us advise you:

Ticket prices, distances and where to find them

Taxi stands are outside the arrival areas at the two passengers terminal. A taxi to Helsinki city centre will take about 30 min to travel the 17 km from the Helsinki International Airports and a taxi to Helsinki Vantaa International Airports costs between 40 Euros. In addition to the Helsinki Vantaa Airports taxi service, there are three main companies offering collective taxi fares, tour fares and chauffeured fares.

The Vantaan Taksi group taxi service provides regular group taxi fares from Monday to Sunday from outside the A1 arrival area in Terminal 1 and from the 2nd arrival area outside Terminal 2. The Airport Taxi Yellow Line provides collective taxi service, tour and charters at set rates. Arrival at Terminal 1 from outside the A1 arrival area and at Terminal Terminals 1A and 1B from the C2 arrival area, where they work from Monday to Sunday between 6.00 a.m. and 1.30 a.m..

When arriving at the terminal, customers will also find the company's counters in the terminal hangars. Taxibetrieb Point Ltd. offers taxi as well as driver assistance, shuttle bus and group taxi fares and touring. Lastly, another Vantaan tacsikeskus representative can be reached on +358 100 7300.

Inside Helsinki itself, taxi stands are usually outside large multinational hotel complexes, in front of the main railway stations, at Tikkurila railway stations and similar important junctions for local traffic. Helsinki city centre rates begin at EUR 27.00 for one to two people, but may be lower according to the number of people traveling together in the same car.

Vantaa Airport Helsinki Taxi Tariffs are set by the Finnish authorities. Thereafter, each kilometer driven cost EUR 1.43, but the taxi rates are checked every year according to annual rates of inflation, so that the base price changes once a year. Fees are increased with each person traveling in the same taxi and large baggage items are surcharged.

Helsinki Vantaa has also introduced fees to increase the cost of using Helsinki Vantaa airport taxi services. The standard rate of 60 is valid in conjunction with pre-bookings, either 2 week in advanced or only half an hours in advance. 20. In general, Finish taxi riders are not required to stop when their taxi is called on the road.

Prospective travellers can readily see an empty taxi when the TAXI shield lights up on the rooftop when the taxi is available for work. At Helsinki Vantaa Airport, some taxi services operate a chauffeur-driven limousine bus and/or some operate longer city cruises in the greater Helsinki area.

Helsinki Limo offers not only long-distance transport as well as guided city walks but also pick-ups from the airports. Everyone who uses its service can get in touch with the firm by sending an e-mail to or by calling +358 207 870 360.

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