Gta iv Taxi Bug
Ivy Gta Taxi BugCannot stop the traffic (taxi) bug - Help & Support
It seems that there is a giant bow that brings hundred of automobiles (mostly taxis) into circulation. had the same issue a while back when i tried out a few auto packages, none of them worked and i just ended up seeing a lot of cabs, nobody had a resolution so i gave up and just stuck with the camp cars. work, i saw an asian fix for the taxi roof a while back but i can't recall where it was or if it worked.
I' m not sure if it has anything to do with the heavier scale, but I'm 100% sure that changing the scale of the surface to really low will help with the taxi bug. If only one auto with about two 2048x2048 large texts is present in the WDT files, the taxi bug is created and the taxi is resized to 512x512x512.
@jeter2 or he could just use RIL Budgetted which corrects the taxi bug... this budget mind doesn't correct it, if you use mods that substitute the autos, i tried it, along with all the other substitute auto modem taxi corrections. all i got was a single kind of taxi bus not loads and lots of cabs that drive around.
generally all the cabs, cops and another kind of auto. the added Auto Package worked flawlessly though + easy coach to spawn cars, you don't have to spawn recent cars though as i saw ai drive around in them as well as the camp cars chilly.
GrindoLindo said on 24.02.2015 at 12:55: "This budget thing doesn't fix it if you use modes that substitute the autos, I've tried it out, along with all the other substitute auto modem taxi sets. All I got were many cabs and many other types of non-taxi vehicles.
generally all the cabs, cops and another kind of auto. the added Auto Package worked flawlessly though + easy coach to spawn cars, you don't have to spawn recent cars though as i saw ai drive around in them as well as the camp cars chilly.
Baddest thing about them is that silly shiny artwork they put over the silly you can't even change the display without tearing it off and crashing it possible to use more than one additional auto package? I tried to add a second, but the play fell on the loader...I've tried to add a second one, but the loader crashes.