Gta V Taxi Mod

V Taxi Gta Mod

V|REL] Improved Taxi Missions - Scripts & Plugins :: "TAXI_HAIL"); :::, "TAXI_HAIL", "HAIL_TAXI",,,,,,,,,, :: " @DRIVER"); " @DRIVER", " @DRIVER", "leanover_enter"""""".

Taxis Missions Mod - GTA IV Discussion & Media

Cab Flight BETA: Allows Cab Flight for Grand Theft Auto: IV. - About 400 different taxi mission and more to come with upgrades. - Incentive bonus for consecutive ''X'' mission. - I' ve activated island mission numbers. This mod allows you to become a taxi cabbie in Liberty City! Even if you are quoting this thread, please remove the video and screenshots from the cited mailbox so that the thread is not 2 pages long if there are 3 responses.

improved dydrmr/gtav approximations: This is a script HookVDotNet mod for Grand Theft Auto V that is designed to enhance the taxi driver's mini-game.

This is a script HookVDotNet mod for Grand Theft Auto V that is designed to enhance the taxi driver's mini-game. This is a script hookVDotNet mod for Grand Theft Auto V that is designed to enhance the taxi driver's mini-game. Taximissions can be carried out in the following vehicles: Taxi, Stretch, Schafter, Oracle, Washington, Superrop. Players are remunerated according to the distances between the collection and return points.

The basic price is $6, and every miles you drive is $25. Clients give the players a tip depending on the rate of shipment. Coincidental children on the streets can greet the players when they drive a taxi. When it still doesn't work, turn the mission off and on to restore it. As soon as you have collected a flight passanger, a count down time will appear on the user interface.

As soon as the emitter turns amber, your peak decreases. As soon as the countdown has reached zero, you will not get a tip. Modify the EnhancedTaxiMissions.ini to adjust the Shift button and range unit. Permissible switch-over keys are "A" to "Z", "0" to "1" and "F1" to "F12".

Tolerable readings for standard measurement are "MI" and "KM" FAREPERMILE which determine how much you get rewarded per traveled miles with a client. EVERAGESPEED controls how quickly you must reach your target before the count down timing is zero.

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