How to Apply for Taxi Driver

Applying for a Taxi Driver

See if you qualify. Each city has a number of requirements to drive a taxi, and you should check them to make sure you qualify. What does it cost to apply for driver accreditation?

Application for Driver Registration | Taxi Services Commission

Need a driver credit? What does it take to apply for driver credit? Are you driving a wheelchair friendly vehicule? Need a driver credit? Utility vehicles are vehicles that serve the professional transport sector and provide unscheduled (taxi) and unscheduled (car rental, carpooling included) service throughout Victoria.

They must have up-to-date driver credentials to operate any kind of utility vehicles or commercial/private buses in Victoria. In order to be eligible for driver credit you must: successfully undergo a driver historian examination. Fill in your PDF 78 assessment sheet. Before you apply for your driver credit card on-line, please send 8KB to the following address If you want, you can fill out a health assessment sheet and bring it to your doctor.

To help with the evaluation, your physician may ask you to fill out a driver condition survey sheet. You will be liable for all expenses incurred by you in concluding these tests. Clinical evaluation must comply with the applicable local clinical norms described in the latest driving ability evaluation directives. This policy describes the screening procedure and the exacting requirements you must fulfill to be deemed safe and healthy.

Drivers applying for driver-accreditation shall comply with the norms for drivers of utility vehicles. All you need is your full Viktorian driver's license and one of the following IDs: Passes may be up to date or have elapsed within the last two years, but may not be canceled. The registration charge for driver credit card registration must be paid on-line with your MasterCard or Visa only.

Shortly after you have registered on-line, you will get a verification e-mail from It will tell you what to do next to advance your resume, including the upload of your medical assessment forms. These can be 100 points of identity, the driver record or the modification of name documentation. Riders who plan to offer non-booked utility vehicles must go to a VicRoads bureau to be photographed for their driver ID card.

It is necessary to download the completed health assessment sheet and any other document we request in your e-mail confirming your request, which you and your doctor have to sign. If you do not give the necessary information, your job will be rejected. Only when we have received all the necessary information will we begin to examine your request.

It will take us 14 working days processing your driver credit request after you have successfully submitted all your documentation. However, this will depend on the results of your clinical evaluation and your national criminal record. We will inform you of the result of your request as soon as it has been reviewed.

Once your request is accepted, we will mail you your driver registration documentation. What does it take to apply for driver credit? Actual registration charge for Driver Registration is $74.40. Remember that this charge is non-refundable even if your claim is rejected or canceled. Information on how to maintain your driver credit can be found under Maintenance of your driver credit.

In order to apply, please go to our page on reciprocal acceptance. When you have a driver badge, you can request that a WAV (Wheelchair Access Vehicle) certificate be added to your driver badge. In this way you can control both the WAV and your regular cars. In order to obtain the WAV rating, you must successfully complete the WAV rating module.

Further information on the WAV indorsement can be found on the page on the WAV evaluation in theory and practice. In case you cannot register on-line, please fill in and upload the Driver Accreditation Form PDF, 121.

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