How to get Taxi in Rome
Getting a Taxi in RomeOvernight traffic to and from Fiumicino airport to Rome
Unfortunately all important trains and buses from Fiumicino to Rome stop at 23.30 hrs. Nevertheless, there are many departures, especially from other parts of Europe, which arriving after this period or shortly before, do not give you enough free flight space to get out of the aircraft via the (often very slow) luggage reclaim area and to your means of transportation.
The first Leonardo express from Termini to Fiumicino departs similarly at 5.35 a.m. and gets on shortly after 6 a.m., which makes it too good even for a 7 a.m. outing. Fiumicino is a city where you can take a taxi, a limousine, a bus to your destination, or a bus to a nearby airport. If you come to Fiumicino on a belated plane, if your plane is behind schedule, or if you depart early, you really don't have many options: taxi, limousine, bus to your destination, bus to your destination, or even a bus to your destination.
There is a trade-off between taxi, limousine or overnight coach (below): an air-conditioned hostel transfer would collect you from your plane and take you to your accommodation for 35 per passenger (discounts start after three people); you can also make sure they collect you and take you back to the hostel when your stay is over.
There is a fanatical new feature known as Welcome Pickups that is very recommendable. The price is exactly the same as the basic taxi fare, but without concealed extra, it allows you to make an advanced booking and payment on-line, send you the photograph and ID of the chauffeur awaiting you with a ticket at the gates by e-mail, and is sure to be fluent in English and able to advise you.
Please find more information or make your booking directly via the link below: And the only coach that serves the city at nights is the overnight coach St. Stephen Coltral, which, at 7, is much less expensive than the one mentioned above, but only leaves every few hour. This was the period when the overnight coaster from ( and to ) L'Cotral Friedrichino departs for the two main railway yards of Termini and Tiburtina: at this point the trip will take about 30-40 min.
Once you have been drop off at the Rome International Airports, of course, you still have the question where to go. While there are overnight busses in the area, route planning can be a bit tricky and they are rare. The arrival in an unfamiliar place in the midst of the darkness can be an awesome event, so despite the cost of your arrival in Fiumicino at midnight, we generally advise you to take a taxi from the airports directly to your destination.