Jet Airways Airlines Online Ticket Booking
Online Ticket Booking by Jet Airways AirlinesIf a cardholder, for example, books Dubai-Bombay on passenger boarding bridges. com (India land site) and the transaction is to be made in AED, the rebate does not apply. Online rebate codes entitle the cardholder to a 5% rebate on the basic entry and exit fares for Jet Airways home and overseas air services.
Reductions apply only to Jet Airways sold and managed, Jet Airways sold and managed and other airlines managed code-share services or interlining trips on www.jetairways. com is not entitled to the rebate. Online rebate is only available for journeys in business cabins and in any booking category except Jet Airways reward tickets.
Approved booking categories on boarding are as follows - Y, M, T, U, N, L, Q, S, K, Q, O, H, U, W and are as follows - Y, U, K, S, A, D, Y, X, N, Q, M, O, D (except 9W*/OAL, Interline, Award Travel & Groups). Online rebate codes are voluntary.
To redeem the rebate promotional key, please visit , India countries page, Online rebate codes are available every single times a cardholder makes a purchase on , the Indian national website, Within the scope of the online rebate program, 5% of the basic price of the ticket is reduced.
Cardholders must pay the remainder of the basic tariff in addition to 5% as well as any extra costs such as dues, duties, taxes, supplements and other dues that may be payable on the Ticket at the moment of booking and/or journey. After booking and issuing the ticket under a certain guest name, the ticket is not assignable.
After booking and issuing the Ticket, if the Guest is not able to travel on the date of departure, the Guest may terminate the Ticket and return or reissue the amount paid, but in accordance with the conditions for issuing the Ticket for the tariff category in which the Ticket was purchased.
In the event that the ticket is canceled, the amount refunded will be less than the amount rebate claimed. The Jet Airways Ticket Policy and Regulations govern ticket price, charge, fee, tax, supplement, charge and other Applicable Supplementary Costs for cancellations/refunds/returns. If the Cardholder cancel the Ticket and re-book via another channels against the initial booking, the advantage of the promotion will cease to apply.
Some Indian airfields charge an expansion charge for each domestic/international trip. This tax is calculated at the moment of booking. If the trip is cancelled, the reimbursement of these tax charges will be governed by the guidelines for the reimbursement of these taxs/duties. Jet Airways (India) Limited's ruling is definitive and absolute for all Ticket Members taking part in this promotion and is not open to appeal.
Transportation is governed by Jet Airways' provisions with respect to the Agreement or any other provisions and provisions with respect to Jet Airways' policy and procedure.