Taxi me
Taxis meMake an intelligent assessment of your taxi rate.
Tariff, transport, time o' clock, wheather. If you take a taxi, it is not enough to give only an estimation on the basis of the mileage. But there are other estimation issues that need to be considered, such as transport, stopping periods and wheather. Support taxi fares for multiple towns in North America.
We' ve got a rolling roster of towns for which we have the prices. When you want to be added to the mailing lists, just send us a message. Immediate taxi listing wherever you are. No matter whether you are in a small downtown area or a large urban area, just click on the taxi symbol at the top right of the application to get a listing of taxi operators in your area.
PAYING CASE OR CREDIT CARDS. TaxicamMe offers you courteous driver with neat car. You can also conveniently use your credit cards to make payments via the application. You can get the BGN 15 Bonuses by signing up your Visa credit cards in the application. Receive 3 rebates of BGN 5 each on your next 3 journeys that you have purchased with the Visa credit cards via the application.
Tell your buddies BGN 2 rebate and you'll get one too. You can find your own promotional key in the application (Menu/Discounts). For every sign-up with your promotional key, a friendly gets BGN 2 off their first trip. If your boyfriend tries TaxibetriebMe, you will also get BGN 2 rebate, which is added to your bank balance as well.
Note: TaximeMe only works with thoroughly chosen licenced chauffeurs and well serviced vehicles.
TaxiMe Client in the App Store
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? ? ?? ? ?? ? ????? (??????-????? ? ?? ? ?? ? ?? ?????: 0.79 ????/?? ?? ?; 0.90 ??/?? ?????). Taxibetrieb Me will save you a lot of effort and money by linking you to a qualified taxi cabbie as soon as possible. - Call a taxi in two steps directly from your iPhone or iPad; - Get a taxi with a select, high-quality chauffeur at the default fare ?; - Get comprehensive information about the chauffeur, vehicle and fare; - Know in advance your travel estimates; - Evaluate the chauffeur and affect the chauffeur select.
Note: Taxibetrieb Me works only with select, high class taxi driver who calculate in Sofia default taxi tariffs (lower or equal: 0,79 lv./km off and 0,90 lv./km off). Works with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.