London Pco Licence Application Form

Pco London License Application Form

The TfL only accepts tests carried out in a SELT centre for private driving licence applications. Extension requests can take up to eight weeks for TfL to process them. This form must then be returned with your PCO license application.

Minicab licence for London rent?

Be at least 21 years of legal age at the date of application and there is no limitation on how old you can be as long as you comply with other license terms. They must have held a full DVLA, Northern Ireland or other EEA driver's license for more than 3 years.

How can I make an application? To obtain an application package, visit the Transport for London (TfL) website at the following address: You can also choose to browse and click on the following links to get an application download: Stage 3: All would-be home riders must take a topographic test to demonstrate that they have fundamental card reader capabilities.

If you have forgotten your personal rental driving licence or driving licence, you can also call Transport for London (TfL) on 0845 602 7000 for a refund. What can I ask for the rental of the route per workday? How about the taxis that don't calculate a rental per trip per week?

Some cabin managers do not calculate the conventional monthly lease, but rather run a roster in which the driver has to travel or work for a certain period of qualifying period before qualifying for "no rental". What can be done to make sure your car is secure? In addition, the ordinance provides that a once registered car may only be operated as a privately rented car (PHV) for a period of up to 10 years from the date of first entry into service.

Ask them how much the rental costs for the week. When I' m only 23 years old, how much do I get to hire a vehicle? Am I able to work as a small user (and get a driver's license) and as an independent mini cab driver/driver?

Pedicab / PCO / Taxi Medical

On the same date, medicine in London. PCO candidates must ensure that all London Taxi and Hire pilots are physically in good health. To assess a person's health suitability, TrafL uses the standard necessary for a DVLA Group 2 license. All PHV/Hackney Carriage Driver candidates are subject to the same DVLA Group 2 standard of medicine.

Large commercial and bus transport require Group 2 driving licenses, and Group 2 chauffeurs' health care is much higher than that of Group 1 (ordinary commercial and motorcycle vehicles). The higher norm requirements reflect the perception that the type of occupation of an authorised chauffeur makes the chauffeur fall into the professional group.

What is needed for the medical exam and the eye test? How does the medical check-up work? The TPH/204 Medical Declaration Form (PCO applicant) or the appropriate Medical Assessment Form, the first section of which is already completed by you, should be brought to your doctor's visit. This exam lasts only about 30 min and you will receive answers to the following questions:

On the basis of your responses and the results of the test, the physician will assess whether you meet the DVLA Group 2 exacting clinical standard and fill out, signature and seal the rest of the TPH/204 Clinical Declaration Form (PCO Applicant) or equivalent assessment form.

This form must then be returned with your PCO license application. Health care needs of candidates 45 and 65 years of age and over. When you are 45 years of age or older and apply for a new PCO license (or renew your PCO license), you must submit to a health check-up (form TPH/204 must be completed).

Every time your driving licence is renewed between the ages of 45 and 65, a doctor's check-up must be carried out. When you are 65 years of age or older, you must also submit to an additional health check (as a prerequisite for licensing) during the period of your license denomination.

Exceptions to the medical statement, changes in visual acuity, what conditions may affect my PCO application? You do not need to complete a medical declaration if you have a Group 2 DVLA license or are an active student (under 45 years of age) or already MHC ( "taxi driver") certified by Deutsche Lufthansa Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd Lloyd, as the "Exemption.

A number of occupations demand thorough health care (e.g. pilots licence). Physician consultation was obtained and it was confirmed that the standards of medicinal suitability demanded by the Civil Aviation Authority meet the TPH standards, and as such the Technical Flight Control Authority has declared its willingness to provide the waiver. In order to maintain the waiver, the relevant applicants must still present a recent and applicable Joint Aviation Authorities pilots licence if the Technical Flight Licensing Authority requires an additional doctor.

As from 1 January 1998, any rider holding a full or temporary licence for Group 2 vehicles of the German Automobile Association (DVLA) would have had a doctor before being entitled to it. The claim is shown on the driver's licence to drive in accordance with German regulations (DVLA). Riders who have this authorisation after 1 January 1998 are not required to make a doctor's declaration.

DVLA Group 2 Medical Safety Norms Changes in the vision norm. On April 2, 2013, the DVLA reviewed the vision level for Group 2 licensees. This is the new standard: If spectacles are used in order to comply with the requirements, they should have a correction force of less than or equal to +8 diopters.

There is also a need for all Group 2 vehicle operators to be able to comply with the required and applicable Group 1 eyesight standards. When evaluating whether an individual is medicinally competent for a DVLA Group 2 driver's license, the Technical Failure Assessment (TfL) will consider the standards of medicine that would be applicable to a DVLA Group 2 driver's license.

As a result, any person who applies for a taxis or driving licences after 31 October 2012 is obliged to comply with the new Group 2 norm. Riders initially licenced under lower levels may keep these claims under "grandfather rights". Applicable safety precautions are based on the date a pilot was first registered as a Ph.

Drivers remain continually licenced since their first registration; there is no significant degradation in all other aspect of the driver's view; Drivers meet all Group 1 sharpening requirements. Are there any health issues that may influence my PCO application? While there is no definite yes or no to the health condition that could stop you from going through these tests, if you have any of the complaints below, it is very likely that your PCO license application will be rejected.

If you have had any of the above diseases in the past and are not currently suffering from any of them for a certain amount of your life (to be determined by the health advisers of the TfL), you can still successfully complete this test. Should you be concerned about your health issues and would like to know if they impact your licensing rights, please contact us by email or phone.

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