Manchester Taxi Application
Taxi Manchester ApplicationHowever, you will always get a confirmation from us (either an on-line acknowledgement or a letter) that we have actually got your application, but this does not mean that we are going to look into it now. You will be contacted as soon as your application is or has been dealt with. Requests for information on outstanding requests cannot be handled, so please do not call us.
Do you have one recently? Requests for information on open job offers cannot be processed, so please do not call us. Did you recently...? A new application: Rental cars - Requests registered on 12 September 2018. If you have not registered for the online DBS services, this may cause your application to be delayed.
Privately rented/Hackney coach and buggy - 29 September 2018. Failure to sign up for the online DBS services may result in a delayed application. In addition, all requests for extension must be lodged and payments must be made 10 workingdays before the expiry of the license. If you do not extend your license before the expiration date, your license will be at stake; a new application must be made if your license has expired except for a driver's license for a Hackney coach/car.
You cannot reapply for a driving license for a Hackney coach car - your driving license is at stake if you do not reapply before the expiration date, whether or not you replace the car. - Vehicles operated beyond retirement ages - 11 October 2018. Car transfer: Car transport - up to date.
You must now make online payments for all your application. After processing your application (step 1 - below), you will be sent an e-mail with a shortcut to the Payments section, which will inform you about the method of payments. You have 3 stages to submit an application, and by the time you reach stage 3, your application will not be fully completed.
Stage 1 - Application added to the system, we will resend the pay via e-mail (with the exception of drivers extensions which are charged as part of the on-line renewal); Stage 3 - Your application can now be edited and vehicle/knowledge testing can be set up if required).