My Cab Taxi

Taxi Taxi

MEIN CAB, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. homepage Among our key functions are Taxi Dispatching Solutions, Fleet Management Solutions, Driver Management Solutions, Fuel Management Solutions, Inventory Management Solutions, Finance & Billing, Report Generation, GPS Trackings and much more. Fulfilling all your taxi business needs in a unified end-to-end approach, you can achieve more satisfying passenger experience and more journeys to your chauffeurs with higher levels of efficiency and lower costs.

The MCS has the Client Requirements Engine, the Back-End BPO Engine, the ClientCare Engine and the Cabin Equipment Engine, such as GPS Tracker, Spots Bill Production Printers (POS), etc. The MCS also has a portable client application port to require cabins and admins to administer from anywhere. Assuming you wanted to set up a system to cover your needs and supplies of taxi/taxi service, and you are looking for someone to set up it, then you have come to the right place.

In addition to the Client Requirements Engine, the BPO Engine, the Client Support Engine, and the Client Cabin Equipment Integrator, such as GPS Tracker, Spots Bill Production Printers (POS), we offer the Supplier Control Engine for managing your suppliers and the Client Control Engine for managing your clients. The end-to-end solutions offer comprehensive vehicle pooling and GPS monitoring.

We offer a full shipping solution: Regardless of where your organization leads you, you can gain remote and full corporate governance over your organization. Use our state-of-the-art clamp technologies to keep historical records of your vehicle, monitor your vehicle fleets and create reporting. With our taxidispatching you can configurate different scheduling methods, which can be modified as planned or at the push of a mouse.

Car use - outside opening times, car use is recorded, visitors to know where they were recorded, etc. Flotation control - keep an eye on your flotation and use it all days long at an affordable price. Any company can make a lot of savings every year by efficiently steering its naval transporters. By providing operator education, telematics/tracking solutions and highly responsive tankers, vehicles can lower operating and maintenance expenses while providing the same levels of customer support.

Control of the cost of fuel-one of the highest running cost for large fleets-is a huge challenge. Innereffective tank handling is expensive and has a negative impact on the performance of a tank. Our EMS reduces your headaches with your petrol cost. Managing stock, tyres and batteries is a difficult challenge for large car pools.

Energy and timesavings through an effective stock control system can help cut costs. This system will generate various report about your car and your car activity. Summary Report Utiliztion Report, Performance Report, Fuel Report, Expense Report, Zone and Geo-Fence Report, Revenue Report und Profit and Loss Statement.

Using bas/taxi to track your car via your local tracker gives you a clear idea of how the car was driven. Historic fleet tracing, Historic journey tracing, Fleet viewing, Life tracing, Geo-Fencing, Zooming, etc.

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