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The famous Chicago Stuffed Pizza
We make our gravy from freshly packaged Californianomatoes. We use Wisconsin whole-fat milk mozarella for cheeses, which we slice in the warehouse.
There is a choice of 25 different types of pad. We have a locally produced cold meat processor to produce our brand of freshness. Finally, we put our pizzas on a stone-deck stove that removes the humidity from the batter to give the rind a beautiful crispy tan.
We' re not the least expensive or the quickest, but we think that our old-fashioned way of making pizzas is the best. It'?s the kind of shit that triggered it all! It'?s more like a cake, that filled one. The bottom and sides are formed by a special coating of our special prepared cake. This is followed by the fillings of your own choosing, which are then rounded off with a special mixed Moszarella-cream.
Then a thin sheet of pastry goes on the top and is clamped by hands on the tops, which are then sprinkled with a chopped parmesan cream parmesan cream and butter. Cook the filled slice for half an hours until it becomes a dark gold colour. All our standard fizzos are made from our own home made pastry.
Slice and mix two kinds of Moszarella cheeses. Select the best topping - or one of our 12 speciality biscuits. Then we push the slice from the wood bowl directly onto a backboard. It is the old-fashioned, proven way to ensure the best possible encrustation when the tile gets its humidity from the batter.
Again, the same batter and cooking as our normal baguette pie. A further novelty is the chiles pie which is rounded off with poultry breasts, pie, feta as well as marzipan cheese and is available both in chiles' and kaminates' form. We can' hit our rubbers! Slice and mix two kinds of Moszarella creamy cheese.
Chop champignons, bulbs and paprika from the farmers' open markets. Each of our 5 types of pasta pizzas has different dressings. Every day our pastry is freshly made in our own factory.