Nearest Taxi to my Location

Closest taxi to my location

The GPS dispatching system automatically sends orders to the nearest available vehicle at the pick-up location. Let us handle the trouble! Use this free app to track your GPS location, track your journey. Our company is the leading taxi fleet serving Long Beach Airport. Let us handle the trouble!

Taxicab driver - operating regulations

Riders must observe these rules of conduct: They must have a current driver's licence for rental and a current driver's licence for Washington while in use. They must indicate an increase in the rental approval in a box in the car. They must keep a record of industrial insurances in your car during operation.

They may not use a taxi, rental or TNC car if its registration has been withdrawn or cancelled. Do not check a taxi, TNC car or rental car for more than 12 hrs over a 15 hour aggregate within a 24 hour timeframe. Thereafter, you may no longer rent a car until 10 successive operating lessons have elapsed.

They must inspect and record the presence of any objects abandoned by the passenger after each journey and hand them back to the found property office of the corporation or group. Do not use your car to advertise sex, or to advertise, transport, sell or engage in any other activities related to illicit drug use. No smoking in the car.

Do not use abusive speech, expression or gesture towards any individual while travelling, serving, picking a customer up or taking a taxi, corporate car or rental car. They must notify both the State of Washington and the Department of Finance and Administration Services of any accident occurring while a taxi, rental car or transport fleet is in operation within three workdays.

Riders must comply with these client relationship standards: Taxi cab operators may not reject a requested taxi cab because of their location on a line in a taxi centre; a person may choose any taxi cab on a line. They may not withhold their consent to the carriage of a front seat passengers' chair if it can be collapsed and placed in the car's occupant, chauffeur or luggage area.

To help your customers, you must bring baggage or parcels weighing less than 50 lbs into the car. Otherwise, the customer acts in a manner that would cause a sensible individual to worry about the physical condition and security of the rider or others. When boarding the car, the customer shall refuse to indicate a particular destination. 2.

Do not use a taxi that is suitable for wheelchairs unless you have successfully met specific educational needs. Taxi riders must comply with these travel standards: They may only ask for a taxi from the driver's cabin or within a 12-foot radius, and only if the car is securely and lawfully parking.

Don't take the cab for any particular purpose. They are not allowed to leave a taxi or waiting for riders in a signposted lorry loading area, lorry loading area or charters area. Riders must have completed and passed advanced rider instruction in order to obtain a license. Courses must involve the National Safety Council's Defensive Course and at least one extra course of riding experience authorised by the Department of Finance and Administrative Services Head of School.

Taxi clubs, car rental firms or transport operators can offer driving trainings. Guidance on the use of rescue kits and techniques for driving health and safe driving. Informations about risks factor for crime against riders. Curricula for driving programmes must be presented each year by the Federation or Enterprise to the Ministry of Finance and Administrative Services Department for endorsement.

In order to obtain a driving licence, the rider must take an exam. Know the demands and legislation for the operation of taxis, rental cars or corporate cars in the transport area. Capability to communicate and reread English well enough to perform the responsibilities of a rider. Know the demands on car security. Know the risks of criminal offences against motorists, contingency techniques and PPE.

The audit procedure and contents must be authorised by the Executive Secretary of the Ministry of Finance and Administrative Services. Every lorry owner and every lorry owner must agree to a penal background check. Transport operators, car rental firms and taxi clubs must check the backgrounds and keep a record of them. Behind the scenes scans can be performed using the driver's fingerprints, with the fingerprints passed to the FBI or Washington State Patrol for examination.

It may also be carried out by a third provider authorised by the Ministry of Finance and Administrative Services Executive Board. Businesses must also notify crimes committed by pilots that affect the driver's ability to drive a taxi, business car or rental car. Taxis, rents and operational norms are implemented by the city inspections.

Unnounced inspections drive in cabs and rental cars to make sure that operational safety is maintained. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with us if you have any queries regarding operational norms for drivers or cars. You can find directions on how to request a consultation on the back of the Injury or Licensing Claims Request or you can get in touch with us.

If you do not make payment, you may lose your licence.

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