Oneworld round the World Price
One world around the world price..
In simple terms, the Discoverer 7 Stop around the World is one of the lowest RTW fares in South America; it also allows you to circumnavigate the world and visit Australia, New Zealand, Africa, Asia, North and Central America. There are also unrestricted additional calls within Australia starting from £40 (within the general kilometre range and RTW section rules), 12 month validity and full flexibility - which allows for scheduling changes and unusual diversions.
There are also unrestricted additional calls within Australia starting from £40 (within the general kilometre range and RTW section rules), 12 month validity and full flexibility - which allows for scheduling changes and unusual diversions. It is a great new multi-stop offer for Australia and/or New Zealand.
They also allow unrestricted additional calls within Australia from £35 (within the general kilometrage and sectors of this RTW ), are available for 12 month and are adaptable - making appointment changes and unusual diversions possible. You plus get between Australian towns which are both in the same area £40 per airfare voucher which is between £80.
It is our No. 1 in RTW sales and a great start in the whole world. This allows you to travel to Asia or Africa, Australia, New Zealand and Fiji or the States; you can travel via Asia (Bangkok or Singapore) or the Middle East (Dubai), large hub airports in Australia, New Zealand (Auckland, Christchurch or Queenstown) and a selection of San Francisco or Dallas or Los Angeles or New York.