Online Cab Service
Booth service onlineCertain Uber sevices exist and in certain areas it is possible to use money instead of a deposited bank account.
These are usually locals that you send via the Ueber Ap and are more commonly found in India and Southeast Asia.
getCab | Online Taxi Service WordPress Topic from AncoraThemes
The GetCab is a classy and high-performance WordPress topic with a high-quality look and feel that is perfectly suited for online ordering of taxis, the website or the use. It can also readily be used to set up a auto hire, auto mechanical service or auto garage. This topic covers the most useful functions to make sure that your cab company works well.
Unrivaled lay-out turns your website for taxis into a true specialty; the query template with user-defined boxes is great feature for user to order taxis online; WPML compliance to build multi-lingual company presentation; gallery layout to present your services/projects in breathtaking ways; full reactivity to give your clients the ability to get you through their portable equipment and many other practical features and optional features to build a powerful visual impact for your taxis store!
Efficient thematic framework: ....and much more! Plugin compatibility: All pictures are protected by copyright. PLEASE NOTE: This topic is a premier WordPress based on the free Open WordPress CMS (available for downloading at It is not guaranteed that the topic will be fully compatible with installation, as website monitoring and topic adaptation are limited.
- compatibility with PHP7 has been added; - WordPress 4.9.+ has been added; - WooCommerce 3.0+ has been added. - We are going to update all our plugs to the latest version; - WP Bakery Page Builder's shortcuts in Phil7 have been corrected; - Essential Grid's bug has been corrected; - Datepicker 7 form has been repaired; - New style sheets have been added.
- Will update all plug-ins; - Will update all plug-ins; - Revolution Slider will be upgraded to the latest release; - WPBakery Page Builder will be upgraded to the latest release; - Documentation will be up-dated.