Order Charter Online
Charter onlineSelect the track you want to view and push OK/SEL. When the On demand buttons on your RCU are not available, you can access your Movie Onemand for most types of boxes by voting on channel 1000. When not available on channel 1000, OnDemand can be available on channel 1 or channel 500 according to speaker typ.
You can also tap On-demand by using the A key on your RCU (the triangle key): Push the "A" key on your wireless controller. Select the ON Demand option with the left/right arrow. Use the up/down arrow keys to select an on-demand group. Push SELECT. Use the up/down arrow keys to select a programme or programme you want to view.
Push and release it. The SAP availabilty is indicated in the track descriptions and SAP-enabled tracks are also grouped in the Genre > En Espanol Movies On Demand grouping. SAP is only available for selected SD Movies on Demand tracks and not for the high-definition version of the tracks.
If you want to make quick adjustments, push the button Setting on the RCU. Using the arrows, choose Audio/SAP. Choose Digital. Choose Advanced Language to switch the sound sources of the film to Spanish. Twice on your RCU, push MENU to enter the main menu of the guide. Search for and choose Setup. Search and choose Sound Setup.
Inspect your radio. When you are on an on-demand TV and notice that after a moment of wait for the loading of the programme leader nothing happens, try ordering another programme.