Private Jet Fleet

Fleet of private jets

Our private jet charter fleet is one of the largest and most diverse in America. Wi-Fi equipped aircraft more than any other private jet company. Here you will always find the ideal jet for every trip.

Access to private jet fleet | High quality charter flights

That'?s a lot more than a fleet. In the past year alone, we performed over 300,000 airlifts ( 426,935 passengers) to more than 150 different destinations. This has resulted in a fleet of remarkably durable and comfortable vehicles, the fruit of years of attentive care and attention by the owners, who have met their needs in every respect. No matter whether your meetings take place in the worlds finance centres, in a secluded mining city or in the air on board our planes, we take you where you need to be.

Get hands-free operation while we handle and service planes, crews and aviators. Long term airplane proximities are predicated on calm, ISA condition, no airstrip or landing strip or thermal limitations, and two passenger at long distance cruising speeds. Perseverance of the G5000 is restricted to 10. 2 airplane perseverance approaches are base on zero winds, ISA condition, no airstrip or thermal limitations, and two passenger at long-range cruising speeds.

Room for up to 8 persons with belt toilet. The longevity approaches for airplanes are predicated on calm, ISA condition, no take-off and landing strip or thermal limitations, and two occupants at long-range cruising speeds. Room for up to 7 persons with belt toilet. Your information provided on this web site will be used, saved and handled in accordance with our policies as outlined in our information practices.

Request a face-to-face meeting with one of our private aerospace specialists today. Request a face-to-face meeting with one of our private aerospace specialists today.

Full history of the GE fleet of private aircraft

However, General Electric, the U.S. corporation with a $130 billion capitalization, will get rid of its fleet of company aircraft to lower cost. It follows John Flannery, who replaced Jeff Immelt as CEO of GE last year, and a nationwide move by companies to scale back the use of company jet aircraft.

However, last year the company's reputation in the eyes of the general media was severely damaged by the excessive use of private jet aircraft by former CEO Jeff Immelt. The culmination was in cases where Immelt followed a second private jet if one failed and had to move quickly from one place to another.

The WSJ reported that the back-up jet was actually used on most of Immelt's travel until mid-2014 when the firm began to reduce this use. "Considering my responsibility as Managing Director of a 300,000 employee multinational corporation, I simply didn't have enough personal experience managing the day-to-day operation of the airline's in-house business teams, I had every reason to believe they were managed in a professional manner.

Apart from the fact that I haven't spoken to the head of Corporates for 16 years," he said in a published declaration. However, Immet's move away from what was then already seen as a troubled business made things difficult for General Electric, which reduced its stockholding from $25 per unit to $15 per unit, destroying nearly $70 billion of capitalization for the group.

According to Immet, the reason for the problem was the company's aviation division, which ran GE's private jet fleet for its senior management. In the last 10 years the enterprise had 4 managers of this division, which according to AIN 2016 had almost 70 employees and a fleet of possibly up to 13 private aircraft.

Among the private aircraft GE flew were at least 2 AW139s, 3 Challenger 605s, 1 HondaJet and once again three Boeing Business Jet aircraft, the biggest private aircraft in the globe. In addition, GE partly had 6 other aircraft operating by NetJets. You can now go in and go home in one day," said one of their managers about the use of their private planes.

The General Electric business jet fleet has indeed been heavily frequented throughout its entire existence. It was not unusual for a smaller GE company plane to flew 11 sector in one single flight, according to the analyst. By way of benchmark, wealthy private customers usually consider it more effective to buy a private jet if they charter more than 270 hrs per year, a level achieved by the GE fleet almost every two month.

"Many of our locations are not readily available to civil aviation," said Brad Mottier, GE's Aviation VP, "To get to some, you have to take several trips and sometimes travel for a few short hour to get there, so the HondaJet flies directly is a big boost in efficiency.

" The infamous 2010 millionaire Mark Cuban said in an interviewer with chief executive officers who have turned their backs on private jet travel: "Soon after the private jet débacle, GE said it would close its central aircraft division under its new chief executive officer John Flannery. Privately held aircraft held by the carrier would be resold to the highest bidsder rant and managers could either choose to operate private aircraft on charter if there are no suitable commercially operated airlines.

"Recently, GE Aviation was the first HondaJet client to achieve 600 hour delivery times and is HondaJet's fleet manager. This was a great productiveness engine for the company," the spokesperson added. Although they appeared to be saving cash on the ground, many reasoned that the costs of hiring private aircraft for travelling would be higher than running a company owned aviation division due to the amount of flying out.

Still others claimed that greater efficiencies and private jet pooling would ultimately make switching cheaper. However, GE's choice to reconsider the use of company jet aircraft indicated an even bigger tendency in the sector, with bigger companies turning away from large private jet owners to the use of chartering and shareholding, a tendency that will transform the sector.

However, it is important to note that GE is the undertaking considering a move away from the use of private jet aircraft. Across the sector, it is generally assumed that GE and its then CEO Jack Welch were at the origin of Boeing's choice to begin production of corporate jet aircraft. Indeed, the BBJ aircraft engine is manufactured by GE.

It was alleged that the firm had 3 Boeing jets at any one time. Boeing jets are a legendary private label among the wealthiest and are a true icon of wealth in the mega-rich realm, which is what buying a Rolex would mean to deaths. However, its story began only 20 years ago, when Boeing allegedly opened its own Jet Aviation Unit thanks to GE.

If GE will be able to inform the general population and the media about the company's aviation division to the extent that it can or cannot reconstruct it will remain to be seen. However, in recent month our stockholders have not been satisfied with the overall performance of the business, resulting in a value drop of nearly 40% in just over a year.

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