Taxi amount Calculator
Amount of taxi CalculatorWhich is a taxi rate calculator inondon?
Heathrow Executives. On this page your cabin price will be calculated according to London, UK taxi fares. Heathrow Executives offers a dependable, secure and trouble-free London Cheap Airport taxi to and from all of London's main international airport destinations. The Taxi Tariff Calculator is a software tool that assists taxi operators and users to estimate the price between pick-up and drop-off points based on times, passenger etc.
Just go to and type in your pick-up and drop-off point and choose a vehicle according to your baggage and your travelers. They will offer you an estimate for the most economic and dependable services in waterloocars London and best of all for the transfer from London International Airports.
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New York City Taxi Tariff - Data Collection
"_uuuid ": "aaeb53c16fe914963fc0baa1d5ad411652356bfe", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "# New York City Taxi Fare Prediction Playground Competition\n\n\n\n\n This is my laptop that I used to discover the NYC Taxi Fare record. Prevented an bug in the Min/Max coordinate calculation \n\n\Albert van Breemen\n27/7/2018\n\n\n\n**Update**\n\n\n\n2018/08/27\n- "Since a test point was not within the boundary frame\n- added magnification to the NYC map\n- added rental resolution NYC/Manhattan chart plot\n- added feature to take data points out of the water\n- small updating of data points per square kilometer calculation\n\n2018/07/30\n- fixed'ewr'/'lgr' typo[thanks to Lu Mingming]\n- revised
Minor refresh `Plot_on_map` function \n- Transformed distance in miles[Thanks sandy1112]\n- Added taxi price rules[Thanks sandy1112]\n- Added data points per square mile (density plots)\n\n\n2018/07/28 \n- Added a chart with approximate travel times for two journeys with Google Map Traffic info. That could help explaining how the price of the ticket is dependent on the season of the year.
" Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "9644171fd7294391b887803d35c1bd565eb577b5", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# Download some standard Python modules\nimport numbers as np\nimport panda's as pd\nimport patplotlib. Meta data": "_uuuid": "f9d8f4c2679ce2ac3a4ea114b3cb12b2e66f091d", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "Since this record is very large, all files would need a great deal of buffer.
Once my explorer key (e.g. this notebook) is finished, I run the laptop again while scanning more lines. "Meta data": "trusted":, "_uuuid": "45366fe52f68cc504422248cdf5bac4b0b526c6b", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# Get dates in panda's frame of data\ndf_train = spp.
Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "28e75eac860d266b6a562e8dac711e392f73ad26", "cell_type": "code", "source": "print('Old size: %d' % len(df_train))\ndf_train= df_train[df_train. Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "e01144533c5dfaecffae2b2949982f889f0671c6", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# plot histogram OF fare\ndf_train[df_train. df_train. Meta data": "_uuuid": "fe0ae2fdcdcdc14b393adb911ea349df786317f069", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "In the bar chart of the `fare_amount` there are some small peaks between \\$40 and \\$60. Here are some of the other values.
That could indicate a fix fares (e.g. from/to the airport). "Meta data": "_uuuid": "ae7feba8a8607ccfbfb5f6c006e67786ec026103", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "## Clear missed meta datas \n\nAlways verify if meta datas are missed. "Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "d6afce44ae49df0b97d6f00a8b60999128e06af9", "cell_type": "code", "source": "print(df_train.isnull(). sum()))".
Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "4c96988b66b5e3cd76ad3da35e4338882ef09880", "cell_type": "code", "source": "print('Old size: %d' -% len (df_train))\ndf_train = df_train. Meta data": "_uuuid": "c52e972ae6d4035b097352debfec0e061975e13b", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "## Test dates\nRead the test dates to review the stats and make comparisons with the workoutset.
Meta data": "trusted":, "_uuuid": "3a5e9332123bfefef0ffbe8ed646f0d75240c48b90", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# read dat in panda's date frame\ndf_test = pd.read_csv('../input/test.csv')\ndf_test. head(5)", "execution_count" : Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "2deedc5069ca226c34f31550fe8af62bd8b9a724", "cell_type": "code", "source": "df_test. describe()", "execution_count" :
Meta data": "_uuuid": "b95cbb5d39b46bf4e82d9736cdf5b2cff2d59275", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "## Location data\n\n Since this is place related information, I want to display the co-ordinates on a maps. I use the following website:\n\n- Easy to use maps and maps using GPS: https://www.travelmath. net/ \n- Calculate the distances between locations: https://www.travelmath. com/flying-distance/\n- Open the road maps to reach them in the buding boxes a map: https://www.travelmath.=8/52.154/5.
" Meta data": "trusted":, "_uuuid": "c17ad8ee3546ec2919a7effed1299f6eedcd845f", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# minimal and maximal length test setup\nmin(df_test. Meta data": "trusted":, "_uuuid": "6030e9ba9a2937d98b3991f2bb466730613610", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# minimal and maximal latitude test\nmin(df_test.
Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "6652992e7cb83cdaa22f288ff387326ad94c4e75", "cell_type": "code", "source" : "print('Old size: Meta data": "trusted":, "_uuuid": "7f8db4e178399b3e66fe0d6e3055adb8927f9c35", "collapsed":, "cell_type": "code", "source": "# this feature is often used to display information on the NYC map\ndef plot_on_map(df, BB, nyc_map, s=10, alpha=0.
Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "98304d3e879df159c39508e381d1a93022052a6f", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# plotter trainings captured on the chart magnified enlarged inside of plot_on_map(df_train, BB_zoom, nm_map_zoom, s=1, alpha=0. 3)", "execution_count" :
Meta data": "_uuuid": "c73572469d74e4e4e8a81f8bed7f70f6f0b9924a61", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "From the scatterplot of the exercise datas we can see that some places are in the depth.
" Meta data": "trusted":, "collapsed":, "_uuuid": "31d9df881c9aa64dd401a285140c4385cf688f32", "cell_type" : Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "e1060c21ebec1dda8567fcca3606a4ec41ad6ede", "cell_type": "code", "source": "plot_hires(df_train, (-74.
Meta data": "_uuuid": "14b04d875ee8f66f01b982625f5432505cd981", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "## Removal of data points in Wasser\nAs can be seen from the chart + scroll plot above, some data points are in the river.
Meta data": "_uuuid": "80042ec757a645d5220acd2123a34984388f98af", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "Next I have to translate longitude/latitude co-ordinates into yy pixels. For all data points, the polygon co-ordinates are computed, a logical index is computed with the NYC template. "Meta data": "trustworthy":, "collapsed":, "_uuuid": "aac888cc7d3da1d11fafaff8a9dd27fe8dbbc1a4", "cell_type": "code", "source" :
Meta data": "trustworthy":, "collapsed":, "_uuuid": "47e4bdabbe01a628e16d6917a8217b75ee98cb67", "cell_type": "code", "source": "pickup_x, pickup_y = lonlat_to_xy(df_train.
Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "53fbc7ca9c45629c76b674e73a455a4da63a732", "cell_type": "code", "source": "idx = (nyc_mask[pickup_y, pickup_x] & nyc_mask [dropoff_y, dropoff_x])\nprint(\"Number of rides in the water:
" Meta data": "trustworthy":, "collapsed" :, "_uuuid" : "a98c25e83a98ebfa425d1af2c4c294d856936841", "cell_type" : "code", "source" : png')[:,:,0] > 0.
Form [0], BB) \n \n \n # calculated Bools index\n - nyc_mask [pickup_y, pickup_x] & nyc_mask [dropoff_y, dropoff_x]\n \n # only data points returned to land \n ³ return df[idx]", "execution_count" : Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "dd1a159c9833b8fe751e07ae51eab416eba603bc", "cell_type": "code", "source" :
"Meta Daten" : "_uuuuid" : "cecac6e057dd805aab73fe8bec5dc58b85d218a7", "cell_type" : "markdown", "source" : "Now Let's see if all outlets "Meta Daten" : "_uuuuid" : "cecac6e057dd805aab73fe8bec5dc58b85d218a7", "cell_type" : "markdown", "source" : "Now Let's see if all outlets in the waters are gone... :)"".
Meta data": "_uuuid": "6feb5260e486844061b0a1ac9e271a16a57b00b9", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "\n#### Data point densities per square kilometer\n\n\n\n\n\n\n A scatter plotter of pick-up and drop-off positions gives a fast idea of the densities. Following encode will count pick-up and drop-off data points per square mile. Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "3686cd9adadad8bf4bb4d684f9a82044ae94c5c", "collapsed":, "cell_type": "code", "source": "# For this representation and further analyses we need a feature to determine the gap in mile between positions in lon und lat co-ordinates.
Calculates the spacing between two latitudes - longitudes - using the \n# recoil interval at miles -ef equation (lat1, ion1, ion2, ion2, ion2):\n < n = n. 2*R*asin. First, you have to work out two array with data point densities per squaremile\nn_lon, n_lat = 200, 200# Number of lattice bin per degree of length, degree of latitude Dimension\ndensity_pickup, density_dropoff= np. null((n_lat, n_lon))), np. null((n_lat, n_lon)))
read arrays\n\n\n\n# The number of data points in a raster area is calculated using the numeric digitize() method. Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "25fc60da96b02dc35cb4aebfdb56fb9252aa9600", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# plott the arrays of density\nfig, axss = pllt. Meta data": "_uuuid": "1c446fe9bc88d45f934bfb5e33dbdbdb215a939ae8", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "These representations clearly show that the data points are concentrated around Manhattan and the three main cities (JFK, EWS, LGR).
\n ", "Metadata": "_uuuid": "a1ce51035f5a7fe46021f7daae87f72d1b2a7b38", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "## Pick-up Traffic Direction\nThe densities from above have caused me to see if I can display the volume of light on an hourly (and yearly) basis.
Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "f37ce7f769b2005470efe5343c0f432b7f70e9b9", "compressed":, "cell_type" : "code", "source" : "Â "Â "# some constant needed to compute the density of pick-up trafficÂ\nn_hours = 24\nn_weekdays = 7\nn_years = 7\nn_bins_lon = 30\nn_bins_lat = 30\nn\n\n# Focusing on Manhattan trafficÂ\nBBB_traffic = (-74.
sum ((inds_pickup_lon===i+1) & (inds_pickup_lat===j+1))\n \n \n \n \n \n Response flow \n\n# Plotting pick-up density function\ndef plot_traffic(traffic, y, d):
Meta data": "_uuuid": "f41225b8d3df7a70a69a5a43aae11d0cc0fd9801", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "Now we are calculating the thickness and visualizing thelots. Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "43d8c7ae94cb6d8ba3f7754a825c45834d2a46dc", "collapsed" :, "cell_type" : "code", "source" : "traffic = calculate_trafic_density(df_train)", "execution_count" : Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "f1526625b3d7b02cf80acf0eb9afc319c25f4bdc", "cell_type": "code", "source" :
"Meta data": "_uuuid": "2764d8b87589b25ff46fe661be5be5dd3a98c69fd87", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "Already from these plot we can see the different congestion models by the hours, but also by position. "Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "9e7322ab8be2e39304a9b9da2a0b9cce9248d4a9", "cell_type" : "code", "source" :, "metadata" : "_uuuid" : "1eceb1056faa82edd69e3a5abe5e440fe301749", "cell_type" : "Transcript ", "Source": "## Range and Times Visualizations\n\n\n Before creating a simulation I' d like to test some fundamental "intuition":\n\n-n-- The longer the range between pick-up and drop-off points, the higher the ticket price.
Overnight travel is different from the daytime. "Meta data": "_uuuid": "0e8450868fa440d5428dfb020a6b39b06417b8d6", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "#### The longer the range between pick-up and drop-off position, the higher the ticket price\n\nTo you display the range - ticket price ratio, we must first compute the range of a journey.
" Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "f91f77105f0c87ba5dd09305f544eaf72657490b", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# insert new columns to data frame with distances in miles\ndf_train['distance_miles'] = distances(df_train.
Meta data": "_uuuid": "d30efafceafdb6e5068679eb3b05b27311482237", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "It seems that most trips are only brief, with a small summit at ~13 mile. "Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "7bc1745aa9fe669f24859088ee7bbcf106fae362", "cell_type" : "code", "source" : "df_train. groupby('passenger_count')['distance_miles', 'fare_amount']. Meta data": "_uuuid": "fcc8aeddfa31d91dceda51c0fd201d40a4b86019", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "A `Passenger_count` of zero seems uneven.
Maybe a taxi carrying some goods, or an administrative mistake? Instead of looking at the `fare_amount` with the `fare per mile', there are also some clues. "Meta data" : "trustworthy" :, "_uuuid" : "2f06a1a44abebc4c23f7ba4017a5057aa52ba204", "cell_type" : "code", "source" : "print(\"Average $USD/Mile : {:0.2f}\".format(df_train.fare_amount.sum()/df_train.distance_miles. sum()))"" Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "e0ffc498bddf6609dd6ef4ecb4954eaef0c27e0e", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# scroll plot distance graph - colourful, axes = clt.
Subplots (1, 2, Figsize=(16, 6))\naxs[0].scatter(df_train. distance_miles, df_train. fare_amount, alpha=0.2)\naxs[0]. set_xlabel('distance mil')\naxs[0]. set_ylabel ('fare $USD')\naxs[0]. set_title('All data')\n\n\n# Zooming into a part of the data\nidx = (df_train. distance_miles < 15) & (df_train. Fares < 100)\naxs[1].scatter(df_train[idx]. distances_miles, df_train[idx]. fares_amount, alpha=0.2)\naxs[1]. set_xlabel ('distance mile')\naxs[1]. set_ylabel('fare $USD')\naxs[1]. set_title('Zoom in on distance < 15 miles, fare < $100') ;", "execution_count" :
Meta data": "_uuuid": "d0f78fa6f6f6f96ec4d693a0a09307b5a7731bd054", "cell_type": "markdown", "source": "From this plot we notice:\n\n-n- There are journeys with a zero range, but with a nonzero ticket price. There are some journeys with >50 mileage, but low fares. \n- The right plot's horizontals could again show the journeys to/from JFKport.
All in all, there seems to be a (linear) relationship between travel distances and fares with an mean of +/- 100/20 = 5 \\$USD/mile. Considering the last point when I'm looking for NYC taxi fares, I find: \n\n- \\\\4. 00 - \\10. 00 for 3 km drive (https://www.priceoftravel. com/555/world-taxi-prices-what-a-3-kilometer-ride-costs-in-72-big-cities/)\n- Start area: \$1. 55 - \\$2. 98 Terms and Conditions (https://www.numbeo. com/taxi-fare/in/New-York)\n- A detailled explanation of taxi fares: fhtml\n < - The starting fee for most trips (except from JFK and other airports) is \$2. 50 on admission.
If the taxicab is driving 12 miles per hr or more... since we cannot decode the speed of the vehicle, I would take 1/5 of a miles as a unity and calculate the difference in this one.
There is a point-to-point difference in the data set. The difference is from point to point. Actually, the distances travelled on the roads are greater. "Meta data": "trustworthy":, "_uuuid": "3aab0478c047c0eb1a6ac80097a931a4cfd9b9b9b4", "cell_type": "code", "source": "# delete data points with spacing 1. 5) & (df_train.distance_miles