Taxi fare Calc

taxicab fare calculation

Taxi fare calculation for Bing Maps What about from my friend's motel to another friend's place? With a new entry in the King of Bing Maps contest, Bing Maps allows the user to compute the taxi price between any two locations within large conurbations. If you download the application into Bing Maps, you must first select a location and then get a route description between two adresses.

As taxis (and fares) are usually controlled by the towns in which they do business, as here in Chicago, it is not difficult for Bing to get into the general orientation of what one can reasonably be expected to do. The other King of Bing Maps classifications are described in the Bing Blogs, but Taxi Fare Calculator is definitely the most useful of the group.

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And Bing Maps has a new king: taxicab fare calculator

Microsofts has announce the winners of its "King of Bing Maps" competition, which was held to promote product design and innovations on the Microsoft Bing Maps software suite. Ricky Brundritt, who won $1,000. As we and others were predicting, however, when we released the application and a number of other new Bing Maps functions a few months ago, Taxi Fare Calculator was by far the most useful and advanced application and brought a feature to Bing Maps that Google Maps hadn't yet mastered.

The taxi rate calculator works in the large metropolises of the United States as well as in 18 other towns around the world. This is a listing of all King of Bing Maps items as well as all other Bing Maps applications on the site.

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