Taxi Helsinki
Helsinki TaxiFill in a road name, an airline name or a name of a hospital. The system didn't recognize the adress. Make sure it is accurate - it can be a road, an international Airport, a name of a hostel or a location of an event. It'?s a number: Journey: Fill in a road name, an airline name or a name of a hospital. The system didn't recognize the adress.
Make sure it is accurate - it can be a road, an international Airport, a name of a hostel or a location of an event. Housenumber: On the basis of your ticket number we have calculated the pick-up-date. Please note that the chauffeur monitors the air traffic situation and if you want to take more your own attention when you leave the airfield (customs, etc.), add this information to the last stage notification to the chauffeur.
fares information
On this page your cabin price will be calculated with the taxi fares of Helsinki, Finland. First, type your trip information into the boxes below the card. The results are all estimated and may differ based on outside conditions such as transport and weathers. Her last ticket price estimation had a mistake. What does a taxi charge?
In order to see the route description, look for the ticket price over the above boxes.
Helsinki Taksi
The Taksi Helsinki service is free, simple and quick to order a taxi in Greater Helsinki (Helsinki, Vantaa, Espoo). The Taksi Helsinki solution allows you to make and purchase your travel within seconds. By registering your personally identifiable information, you will get all the great additional functions, such as simple payments.
Paid for your trip is easy. It is possible to select whether you want to make a taxi purchase with money or a credit or debit transfer, or whether you want to insert your credit into the use. Your credit cards are charged to your account when you use the eTasku subscription and your receipt goes directly to your e-mail address or even to your bookkeeper when you use the eTasku account management system.
It is possible to use two different credit and debit transfer methods (e.g. your corporate and your own bank card) as well as the Taksi Helsinki Credit Transfer System. It works in the Helsinki area and finds you automatic. Once you have placed your taxi order, you will be provided with all the necessary information about your taxi, as well as the rooftop number, vehicle type and telephone number of your taxi operator.
It is also possible to track your taxi access on the card.