Taxi Prices uk
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Cab rates, huh? Taxi rates, huh? Nidirect.
The taxi rate may vary depending on a number of factors, such as the nature of the taxi (class A, classes A, C, or D) and when your trip is made. Do not use an unauthorized taxi. Grade A and Grade B cabs must use meters while driving to ensure that you are not billed more than the max fares.
Your invoiced price may not be higher than the price shown on the meter. Defines a maximal tariff layout, which is shown in the ticket on the taxi screen. We will send you a voucher for your ticket price. Taxi driver of classes A or A are not obliged to use a meter if:
Occasionally, some Class A and Class A taxi riders may have to cover an entire route in an empty taxi to pick up a person without paying for that part of the trip. Blind Miles" is the word used to describe the kilometres travelled by the taxi cab operator to make a reservation without taxi users.
If, for example, you take an empty taxi from Antrim City to Randalstown (about six miles) to collect a rider who wants to drive two kilometers - the rider drives a grand total of eight kilometers, but can only calculate two, as the rules do not allow the meter to be run until the start of the trip.
The following information must be written down and kept in the taxi during the trip and a copy must be provided to the customer in written or electronically: When a taxi rider or taxi company travels a "dead mile" without taking the above actions, he may be fined for one or more of the following offences:
When using a taxi of category C (e.g. cars for driver service, marriages, funerals and courteous transports) the maximal tariff is not applicable. Therefore, you must arrange a ticket price before the trip and cannot charge more than this one. However, the maximal tariff does not cover cabs in category C.
Taxi companies calculate their own rates, which are determined by the taxi company. Please find more information about the taxi categories on the taxi and their service pages. When you are dissatisfied with the price of the ticket, contact the taxi company or the taxi drivers with your claim. It is the responsibility of a licenced taxi company to keep a log of all grievances, as well as retaining detail of any action taken following a grievance.