Taxi Stops in Paris
Paris Taxi StationsMin. rate: 2,40 ?. Surcharge per case (from the second case): 1 , with a wait of one hour: between 30,33 ? and 35,05 ?. There is a minimal duty of 6,20 Euro inclusive surcharges. There is no surcharge for taxi services to or from Charles de Gaulle airport, Orly airport or various train stops.
Taxis always charge the same, whether you call one, go to a taxi stand or call one on the road. There' s a number for all cabs these days:
A mobile app with a Paris map and taxi stands? - The Paris Forum
A mobile app with a Paris card and taxi stands? It is best if I purchased a Paris maps of all taxi destinations, which I copied into my dropbox on my mobile device. Everything depends on where you are, however, there may or may not be a taxi at the time.
Others do not have taxi cabs, although some of them can cross by inspecting the status from period to period. In general, where you are, you can easily stop a taxi with a flashing red LED (available) on the rooftop on the road. There would be an exception at very stressful hours, when it rains, Rush hours, if it rains, Dinner hours.
Each subway stop has a taxi rank close by, although it can be around the edge and it is hard to find the intersection of three or more highways. When you are at Tourist Central, many large accommodations have taxi ranks at the entrances, and the gatekeeper will arrange one for you, whether you are a tourist at the accommodations or not.
When you finish the evening in a local pub or pub, the hosts will call a taxi for you - again with an airfare.