Ticket Search

Search for tickets

The Traffic Court handles cases that normally begin when a quote or ticket is written by a law enforcement officer. Carry out standard searches; pay for traffic quotes, choose a traffic school or a court of appeal. Can' t find your ticket number? Enter your ticket number and choose "Search".

Look for speeding tickets or time tickets.

Search and purchase car parks, comply, and ticket issues from automatic camera systems by using one of the following search methods and enter the necessary information.

Search and purchase car parks, comply, and ticket issues from automatic camera systems by using one of the following search methods and providing the necessary information. Licence plate: Type your licence number without blanks or hyphens. The search might not be able to get a ticket if your licence number has been generated by a state other than Illinois.

Indicator status: In case your licence number was not assigned by the State of Illinois, please select the appropriate State from the drop-down list. Platen type: NOTE - Some example licence plates are passengers, handicapped persons, environment and prevention of force. For example, an environment sign is not a personal sign.

No information is displayed if you select the wrong disk group. Last name of the owner or name of the company: When your car is licensed for more than one passenger, please fill in the surname of the first passenger as it will appear on the licence number of your car. When your car is licensed in the name of a firm, input the firm name as it will appear on the number plates of the car.

Driving licence number: Driving licence numbers granted by the State of Illinois are 12 signs long and begin with a single character. Type your driver's licence number without hyphens or blanks. We will only pick up those licences made out for numberplates that contain a driving licence number on the numberplate.

Do not use this search method to obtain information if your driver's licence was obtained from a state other than Illinois. Chassis number: The chassis numbers are 17 alpha-numeric digits long. Last name of the owner or name of the company: When your car is licensed for more than one passenger, type the surname of the first passenger as it will appear on the licence number or the car's name.

When your car is licensed in the name of a firm, type the firm name as it will appear on the licence number or the car name. For more information about the programme and to see if your tickets are eligible, click here. Just click on the "Contest a Ticket" field at the top of this page on the upper leftside or click here and obey the directions to provide proof of a correspondent interview or ask for a personal interview to be planned for your infringement.

Now you can subscribe to email notifications after you' ve searched for your ticket. If your car has been boosted, confiscated or your driver's licence blocked due to your purchase of non-paid travel cards, please be aware that you must make payment by United States Postal Service debit cards, bank cheques or postal orders.

Don't use such e-mails to search for or purchase car parks or automatic camcorder injuries. Use of this API implies that you accept to make the due payments for each Ticket Number you have chosen to use. Paying for a ticket is a definitive decision about the injury.

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