Air Ticket Booking Jet Air
Booking a Jet Air Air ticket- Availability of a chair on each journey is subject to a limit on the number of persons who may require a chair on each journey. - A passenger who requires a Level-Wheelchair (WCHS): will be acceptable if they are travelling with an escorted person who is 18 years of age or older, in good health enough to help WCHS guests get on and off the WCHS and on the WCHS; each escorted person will be acceptable to travelling with 01 WCHS only.
- passengers who need a car seat (WCHC): There is no provision of wheeled chair gear on the vessel; if the occupants are in agreement with the condition: we shall take the transport as WCHS. BLND Service: a. BLND Services is a facility for those travellers who have failed to fully or partially capture the visually and require specific assistance. b. Conditions of Acceptance: - For BLND Guided Passengers:
Guided stowaways are permitted as regular travelers; Guided travelers 18 years of age or older are necessary, in good health to support Lufthansa travelers; each Guided traveler is permitted to ride with 02 Lufthansa. - Fare for Unescorted Guided Guests: - Requests must be made via the VietJet ticketing bureau or call centre at least 24 hrs prior to flight start.
- BLND passenger, who are able to serve themselves on all routes, are acceptable transportations. - BLND passenger must receive support from family members at the terminals of embarkation and disembarkation. Passenger Hearing Failure Services (DEAF): a. Passenger Hearing Failure Services is a passenger care facility that has the capability to partially or fully capture the visually impaired and requires specific support. b. Conditions of Acceptance: - For Guided Passenger Hearing Failure Services (DEAF):
Accompanying persons are accepted as regular travellers; accompanying persons are 18 years of age or over, in good health to support patients travelling with them. - Unaccompanied transport for travellers with DEAF: - Requests must be made via the VietJet ticketing bureau or call centre at least 24 hrs prior to flight start.
Additional Seating Services (EXST): a. Additional Seating Services is a passenger seating arrangement provided to those passenger who are large, need 2 adjoining passenger seating on the same aircraft; or the passenger seating arrangement provided to those passenger who need 2 adjoining passenger seating to be more comfortable. b. Accepted Conditions: - Please consult our ticket sales points, agent, call centre for EXST requirements.
- For passengers booking 1 additional ticket at the moment of booking. a: a: a: b: b: Pregnant woman over 27 months of age - 32 months of age must complete and submit the declaration of release from liability form:
- For the purposes of the mother attestation forms, air transport users meet the following conditions: a: a: a: a: A person who is subject to prior release for travel is a person who meets at least one of the following criteria: - These injured travellers, illnesses or illnesses can have serious consequences for other travellers on the air.
- Pregnant occupants included: - air travellers who could deteriorate their health during the flight: pulmonary disease, illnesses of the ears or noses, fractured bones, new operations, new pregnancy by in vitro fertilisation, severe allergies, etc. b. Terms of acceptance: - terms and conditions for accompanying persons: Incapable of moving during the journey and taking good care of yourself: Take transportation if you are travelling with escorted persons 18 years of age and over and fit enough to help your guests; each escorted person will be allowed to journey with only 01 guests necessary for predeparture health release.
- General state of health: Customers are obliged to fill in a general state of fitness certificate: - Following certification of healthcare centers: Medicinal centre with regulatory personality approved by the competent authorities for operation in each of the country. The passenger's doctor may insult other travelers. - Maternity expectant mother are obliged to subscribe to the release order forms.
Babies; youngsters; juveniles; young people travelling alone:a. Babies (INF): - Babies are persons under the age of 02 on the day of depart. - INF, travel with accompanying persons who are 18 years of age or over is not necessary as particularly vulnerable persons such as WCH; BLND; DEAF; persons who are obliged to undergo a doctor's examination before departing.
- Most INFs per trip vary depending on the type of plane. b. Child (CHD): - Child is a person between 02 and 12 years of old on the day of depart. - It is necessary to travel with accompanying persons who are 18 years of age or older and who do not make specific demands on the traveller.
INF 1 and 1 under 6; or under 6 02 CHD: no restriction. c. Non-accompanied minor (UM): - Non-accompanied minor travelling alone on the day of travel from 02 years of age to under 12 years of age. - Young Single Travellers (YPTA): - YPTA are travellers who are between 12 and under 14 years of age on the day of travel and travel alone.
- Requests must be made at least 24 hrs prior to flight start via the VietJet ticketing office and call centre. - YPTA will be acceptable as a means of transport provided that the parent/guardian fills in the Young Passengers Application and signs the Disclaimer. Basket for babies on Bord Servicing; Stretcher Servicing; Oxygen Service:
Older passengers: - Older persons aged 60 or over. - With older travellers who need particular care, the terms of delivery shall prevail. Contributing - to - revolutionary passenger, handicapped passenger, older passenger, expectant mothers and passenger travelling with small children are primarily serviced in the Vietjet ticket office, at the airports and on board.