Around the World Flights from Canada

Round the world flights from Canada

With our flight planner it is very easy to put together a world trip. Ideal for: flight-heavy RTW journeys and those with miles on participating airlines. Around the world flights RTW.

All around the world

Singapore Lines offers a fairly competitive rate for a round-the-world flight from Toronto, allowing you to travel to 5 different destinations on 3 different continents for a CAD tour of $1815 inclusive tax. Singapor Airways is often considered to be one of the best carriers in the world. From $150 to $200 more, it is also possible to collect around 23,000 airline mileage with a change of fares (still in Business Class).

Those mileage would be about $300-500 for most of us, according to how you estimate it. They would have to get in touch with the flying centre to get them to raise prices.

Probably you can customize the data for a longer or short journey and keep the fare approximately the same as long as you select less expensive flight data. According to some approximate computations, if you bought all these flights seperately and agreed to use only Singapore Air to make a stylish flight, it would probably charge you........ for a grand aggregate of $2982 C$.

This will probably save you around 40% compared to the typically best rates with Singapore Airline. However, another way to look at it is if you would try to make the same journey around the world and use carriers that are *not* Singapore Airline, you could do something like this: ...for a grandotal of $2203 CAD (the Singapore Airline deals are still about 18% cheaper).

You pay a little less than you would normally pay for a world tour, but with one of the best airline companies. Alternatively, you can pay significantly less than you would normally pay for a round the world flight with Singapore Airline.

The third way to look at it is that a scenic trip from Toronto to *only* Singapore with Singapore Airlines will usually costs you around 2200 cents. Visit the following promotion page of the flying centre.....

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