How much does a Helicopter Cost to Rent
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Broadly speaking, how much did it cost you to buy a.....
How much did it cost you to rent a helicopter? but we have NO clue how much it is! Marriage rates range from $599 to $2000, based on number and city. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with Wanaka Helicopters for further information.
Varies depending on where you go, what you do and how long it takes. Flying around Wanaka and up to Mt Aspariring where we ended up on the ice and then descended through the canyon. Two of us thought it was about $900 and every penny. Contacting them, they are two of the kindest guys you'll ever see, and Simon, the helicopter driver, has a marvelous amount of wisdom to share with you.
Offering contractual installments, if you get in touch with them via the website, a fixed cost estimate is created. My plane was one of a kind, but I would conclude that the small helicopter should cost about $10 per min. If you have a bigger engine (they have a large variety of units), I think it would be more costly.
The Wanaka Grand Circle cost NZD295 per capita, and it was every penny of it! The price ranges between NZD175 and NZD1295 per passenger, according to the type of packages you select. All prizes can be obtained on the Wanaka Helicopters website (if you had given the hyperlink, but the replies on this website must not contain any HTML or website links).