Imagine Air
Think of air.sspan class="mw-headline" id="History">History[edit]
The ImagineAir owned and operated Cirrus SR22 aircraft[2] and was one of the initial investors in the Eclipse 500 Very light ( "VLJ") before Eclipse went bankrupt. The ImagineAir operating a unified Cirrus SR22 family. Cirrus SR22 is a mono-engined, initially four-seater and later five-seater assembled airplane constructed by Cirruscraft.
Perhaps best known for being fitted with the Cirrus Airframe Parachute System (CAPS), an airborne rescue system able to lower the whole plane (and its occupants) to the floor in an accident.
Could you imagine air power ultraglow soccer disk ultraglow
Was not working well on low-floored carpets or a powdery cement ground (brand new basement). On wooden floors worked moderate well. Apart from that it swims well and has a beautiful border around the front fender. From our short use it was difficult to tell if the dark fender was marking one of the skirting boards.
Because our open wooden floors were so small, they were not used much. Although this is a great design idea, the small surface area it works with makes it almost as useless for the receiver. Uncertain how this works with tiles or other finishes. Not used outdoors on concretes or other surface - like a tenis courts, we might have to test it there - but then we have to stack it in a truck and find an empty place.
Useful information
Driven by 4 "AA" battery packs (not included), this Air Power soccer disc slides on an airbag! Durable: You can tread it like a football, hit it with a genuine ice cream bat or let it sail like a punchball cracking against your little punch pin made of synthetic bottle or mug!
It has a protecting fender, so it is sure to stay inside! WO to GAME: The Air Power soccer Disk can be used inside and outside! If you have a flat finish, you are ready to go! Go alone or get one or two friends! Air Power Solid Disk offers hour-long high-technology football performance!
Air Power Soccer Disc is an astonishing new disc that transforms almost any sleek finish into a sport field, inside or out! So long as you have a shallow playing area, there is no end to how you can use it! It' s got a power hovering motion that makes the Air Power Soccer Disc levitate on an airpad!
Fold the mains circuit breaker, place it on a flat base and give it a small step! So you can play it like a football, hit it with a genuine hockey bat or let it sail like a Bowlingball cracking against your little Bowlingpins made of synthetic flasks or mugs!
Driven by 4 "AA" battery packs (not included), this Air Power Soccer Hover Disc slides on an airbag! This is a creatively new way to combine football and air hockey in one fun match! Imagine a disc that's actually floating on a bubble? The Air Power soccer disk, the stunning new disc that transforms almost any flat finish into a sports field, inside or out.
You can use it on low-floored carpets, wooden flooring, pavements and drives - there is simply no end to the possibilities: a flat finish to the sports field, inside or outside. You can use it on low-floored carpets, wooden flooring, pavements and drives - there are simply no limits to your playing possibilities.
The Air Power Soccer Discs floating motion is a forceful floating effect that virtually hovers on an airbag. Simply turn it on, place it on any flat finish and a single click will power the windscreen for quick indoor or outdoor work. Play an exhilarating Air Soccer match anytime, anywhere.
With a normal ice sticks you can enjoy Air hockey in full size. The Air Power Soccer Disc and a few empty vials will turn your corridor into a lane of punch.