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Acknowledgement generator ukI' ve seen how they start to use my brain and create such a project, but these project had many bugs. Everybody who has stolen my idea, their only aim was to make a living, but not to help other souls. Most of my inventions refer to the well-being of human beings and make their lives much simpler.
Mm-hmm. What's Lifebox? Lifebox - for those who are living where there is a lack of freshwater, clearwaters, freshwater and so on. Lifebox - destined for trips on the ocean, woods, desert. Lifebox - for those who have experienced the accident. Lifebox - developed for those who are for free and cleaner power, and believe that there is no need to buy bottled potable oil because it is a present from Mother Earth.
I am planning the first live box launch in July 2016. How will reward those who help your projects? According to the amount of funds, 500 or more, the sponsors will get a new live box. Well, I think you'll be supporting our work. Please help us to help this cause because it can help saving thousands of human life if there is a lack of potable soap.
The money you donate will be used for the production of the technology and the production of the LIFEBOX (drinking potable generator). Living near the seas or the oceans. You' ve been through the disaster of the boat... and you' re lacking freshwater..... Add marine or oceans waters to theIVEBOX. Within a few minutes you will have access to pure and refreshing bottled mineral waters.
All around you is filthy bottled running waters.... Where there'?s no clear plumbing, you want to take a leak. Just fill the polluted pool box with your polluted soda and you will soon have safe potable wine. Where there is no potable food, you have to eat and drink every single night. Rotate the libvox and you'll get pure aerial bottled moisture. Sizes: