Rent a Cessna 172 per Hour
Hire a Cessna 172 per hour172 SP G1000, $164 per hour, $159/hour for 10 hours block rate.
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From 1 October 2012, the following sentences shall apply .
Prices are for water rent (fuel included) and there is no per day minimun. Best tariff schedule and bloc rebates cannot be used for the teacher's tuition fee. The best tariff plan: These plans reduce the rent for EVERY plane in our fleets by $10 per hour. It'?s $300 to participate in this scheme.
There is no refund and the scheme is valid for one (1) year. By the end of the year, if you decide to extend your Best Rate Plan membership without a break, the annual fee will be $250 per year for the next year and every year thereafter without a break.
Unit Time: This schedule will reduce the rent for EVERY plane in our airline by $5 per hour. $1500 down payment is needed for this schedule. If the $1500 expires, an additional $1500 investment is needed to keep this schedule up. There' a fine if you choose to abandon this schedule before the $1,500 expires.
Punishment is a $100 prepayment charge and all flying time will be re-calculated at the full fare, not the discounted fare. But if you have chosen to go from this to the Best Ratio Plans, there is no punishment. There are no minimal charges for renting the apartment every day! The responsible pilots are obliged to prove the tenant's cover.
Usually this lasts less than an hour and mainly involves a small sample work. Instructors and rents are valid.