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Global leader in air charter outsourcing platforms
Global leader in air charterourcing. From travel managment and billing to custom searching and more, our on-line solution helps optimize every facet of the air charter business. In a few moments you will find the ideal charter for your customer. Find and benchmark the best airline choices for your customers in our available charter on-line charter quote engine.
Keeping your flotilla in the air with more intelligent planning. Probably someone needs the plane to stay on the runway or fly empty. Get in touch with us today and enjoy the advantages of our intelligent charter tool. Through our affiliation credentials, we ensure that we only operate legitimate charter services while providing a reliable marketplace for aviation professional.
Aeroplane and chopper operators who sell aeroplane charter and are in possession of a recent and effective aeroplane operation certificate or a Part 135 certificate granted by their government. A broker or professional buyer chartering an airplane or chopper on in the name of an end customer, either a company or an individual. chartering an airplane or a chopper. Marketers who sell chartered aeroplanes on contract to aeroplanes and operators on an exclusively commercial footing.