Status Taxi

Taxi Status

The probe vehicle system calculates the travel time of the connection based on the GPS data of the taxi. Actually, one cab has two. Note: The link NYS DMV Status on this page is valid since yesterday. Occupational health, stress and injuries to taxi drivers in Los Angeles. The TLC Driver application status check for applicants who have applied for a new TLC driver's license.

Survey of the effects of taxi status on the vehicle system efficiency.

Summary: The left journey is used to show the traffic congestion levels of the street. The probe vehicle system computes the journey times of the connection on the basis of the taxi's own global positioning system (GPS) information. A taxi generally has two statuses: difficult taxi (with passenger) and easy taxi (without passenger). Through the analysis of taxi-GPS data and general links journey times, we found that the mean links journey times produced by a sword taxi are less than those of a lightweight taxi on the same route.

Inside this article, the reasons are analysed and a procedure for changing the links journey times is presented, which is produced by lightweight taxi GPS datas. Findings show that the precision of the links journey could be improved by processing especially lightweight taxi dates.

1205.4378] Derivation of taxi status using GPS traceories

Abstract: In this contribution the status of a taxi, composed of manned, unmanned and parking, in relation to its GPS tracking theory is derived. Status information can help improve a city's transport system and spatial development through the use of an Urban Computer. Our approach first identifies and extracts a number of actual characteristics that include knowing about a particular trace theory, historic traces, and geographical information such as the streetwork.

Secondly, an algorithms for detecting the park status is developed to find car parks (from a specific trajectory), which divides a tray theory into sections (i.e. subtrajectories). Third, we suggest a two-phase inferential modell to experience the status (occupied or unoccupied) of each point from a taxi sector. Our methodology has been assessed using a large-scale physical data set of 600 taxi's that shows the benefits of our methodology over baseline.

Occupational status, workplace stresses and injuries to taxi riders in Los Angeles. - Circus PubMed

PRINCIPLE BACKGROUND: Taxi riders work long working hours for low salaries and talk about high blood pressure, gaining body mass and muscle-skeletal pains associated with the seated nature of their jobs, stressing working environments and bad eating patterns. You will also have a high work-related death toll. PURPOSE: The aim of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the driver's state of mind and work-related injuries and stresses at the workplace and to assess whether there is a possible interplay.

MODES: A poll of 309 taxi riders in Los Angeles provides fundamental information on their state of health, workplace stresses and work-related injury. Further, we analysed the results using a modified Poisson retrogression method with a robustness of variation to assess the related risks (RR) and 95% CI of work-related injury.

The results of the focal groups complemented and assisted in the interpretation of the qualitative information. RESULTS: The combined effect of good and low occupational distress was associated with a strong decrease in the frequency of accidents, in line with the assumption that the state of one' s own good and the level of one' s own distress change each other in order to reduce the risks of occupational accidents.

The results suggest that the combined effects of programmes for reducing stresses and managing illnesses, together with changes in the stresses and strains of the workplace, can offer specific opportunities to avoid injury.

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