Taxi Licence Requirements
Requirements for the taxi fee statement25 print charge) to finalize the approval procedure.
Filled-in "Authorization to release information" provided to the requester by the company or authority of the Taxicab. Applicants must provide the doctor's report in duplicate from a coroner registered in the National Register of Certified medical Examiners and approved in the State of Nevada (M.D., D.O., D.C., P.A. or A.P.N.).
A doctor must provide the certification if he determines that a future rider will meet the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulation 49 C.F.R. 391.41-391.49 requirements. Applicants must have a current Nevada driver's license registered to NRS 483. Requires to be in Nevada for thirty (30) calendar days before requesting a licence.
Nevada Taxicab Authority requests evidence that the claimant can speak and understand NRS 706. Licence requests must be filled in by the person making the request. Applicants must fill in and submit a maintenance claim forms. 8841 An Applicant for a Driving Licence may not be regarded by the Administrative Officer as unfit, willing and able if he has done so:
A licence application may be deemed immoral by the manager, or the manager may assume that granting him a licence would be harmful to his/her general well-being, good health or security if he/she did so: Within the last 3 years, has perpetrated an offence in another State which, if perpetrated in that State, would constitute a reason for the withdrawal of his driving licence.
On at least two opportunities, refused to keep his letter of undertaking to appear in the courts.