The Yellow Cap

Yellow cap

Also the food is on the menu! Help us find the boy with the yellow cap in the architectural visions of tomorrow. Finish your Yellow Cap record collection. Explore the complete discography of Yellow Cap.

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Boy's secret adventures in a yellow cap

As I browsed through the vast range of architectural images on-line, it came to my mind that some might be able to move in this metaroom, I found the mom with the kid in the yellow cap. He' s still young, maybe only 4 or 5, but he has already mustered an incredible interest in the architectural world of the future.

Even in the time ahead, he is scared to abandon his mother's side in this odd, unfamiliar world. As the tip of his cap guards his eye from the shine of this radiant sun. For the first time we met her on one of her first travels to a light and airy art galery in the new Tamayo Museum in Mexico.

It wants to promote his oddities so that together they can research the architectonic vision of tomorrows. Most of the travel is done by traveling and visits as many prospective gardens, museum and new places as possible. They were rediscovered first up in Mexico City and then again when they chose to go to the National Archives.

Archives, Mexico City, "Mama.... I' m vertiginous to this kind of architechture.... I' m going outside," he jokes, "maybe you should consider a study of landscaping... how about we take a look at some upcoming parks," she asks. It'?s the suburban futures. Perhaps he was disappointed with the speed and scope of developments around the Olympics grounds and chose to look for a smaller one.

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