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Domestic flights compare

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Australasia has five large national airlines: Qantas Domestic, Virgin Australia, Jetstar, Tiger Airways and Rex. Collectively, these Australia based companies serve all of Australia's key domestic cities with day to day connections along the busiest domestic route. With Webjet, buying a budget air fare from any Australia carrier has never been so easy.

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Cubicle is not available on domestic flights in Australia.} We' ve switched your cabine category to .... Add a new line after this one. Add a new line after this one. You can add extra flights on the review page if necessary. You cannot change the number of seats as long as you have flights in your shopping basket.

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#173381 * Get the flying classes from the parameters and reformat them * Put the flying classes on the widget if the page has in the parameters */ Functions setWidgetParamFromURL() { var travelClass i. e. windows flying classes.

tripClass = widgetParamFormat(travelClass) ; if (tripType) flightSearchClassParamParamFormat. tripType = widgetParamFormat(tripType) ; $('#wj-flight-search-widget'). setWJSearchParameter(flightSearchClassParamètres) ; } Formats Widget-Parameter von url */ Funktion widgetParamFormat(param) { ret. parameter replace(/[_-]+/,"").toLowerCase(). replace(/\w\S*/g, function(txt){ ret. txt.charAt(0). toOpperCase() + txt. For more information( substr(1). toLowerCase( ); }); } } $( document). ready(function() { /* Homepage - fills the chosen fly detail in the fly detail window*/ /*$('. tiles-results #search-results-div'). bind('click', "a.

button ", Funktion (evt) { var outerDiv = $('. side-gutter') ; var departure= $ ('#wj-hpdf-departure-city2 option:selected'). text() ; var destination= $(outerDiv).find("h4"). html() ; //var flightType= $(outerDiv).find(".destination")]. html (); setInputForSearchPopup(''', depart, destination); });*/ /* Sale page - fill the chosen route detail in the dialog box searching for the route*/ $('.outer-block'). bind('click', ". outer-block . Bloc-one a", funktion (evt) { // var outerDiv = $('. block-one'); // var departure= $ (outerDiv).find(".from-wrap"). html(); // var destination = $(outerDiv).find(".

html () ; // var departurecode= $ (outerDiv).find(".from-wrap"). html() ; // var destinationcode = $(outerDiv).find (".too-wrap"). html() ; //var flightType= $ (outerDiv) |var. find (".destination"). html(); setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); /* Specifics page - fills the chosen trip detail in the dialog box*/ $('#specialHeroElement'). bind ('click','a. searchFormParam', Funktion (evt) { setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); $('#specialHeroSliderElement'). bind('click', 'a. findFormParam', Funktion (evt) { setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); $('#wj-specials-mod-CONTAINER-00'). bind('click', 'a.

searchFormParam', Funktion (evt) { setInputForSearchPopup(evt); }); /* Other page - fill the chosen details in the dialog box*/ // $('.searchFormParam'). click( function itself (evt) { // var departure=$((this).

on(' modal', Funktion () { setSearchPopupClose('s') ; }) ; $('. widget-other-search #wj-search-CONTAINER-00').on(' modal', Funktion (e) { $(('.widget-other-search'). hide() ; }))) Other pages - Configure pop-up lookup page layouts */ $('. widget-other-search #wj-search-CONTAINER-00').on(' modal', function() { setSearchPopupOpen('w'); $('.

widget-other-search'). fadeIn (); }); /* Other pages - Clear page layouts of query forms when dialog box pops close */ $('. widget-other-search #wj-search-CONTAINER-00').on(' Modal', funktion () { setSearchPopupClose('w'); }); // #173381 sets the lookup widget initially parameter setTimeout(function(){setWidgetParamFromURL();}, 800); funktion multiSearchBoxHome() { if($(window). switchClass('col-6','col-12') ; setTimeout(function(){ $('.home_main_background'). css({'max-height':'none','overflow':'visible'}) ; }.500) ; } ; } ; } ; Funktion multiSearchBoxCheap(){ if($(fenêtre).

cheapflightsearch'). css( {'max-height':'none','overflow':'visible'}) ; },500) ; } ; } ; } ; } ; } ; Funktion normalSearchBox(page) { $('#wj-flight search-widget'). on('click','a[value=Multistop]', multiSearchBoxCheap) ; // Breites Suchfeld zurück zu normale $('. widget-home-search #wj-flight-search-widget'). on('click','a[valeur="One Way"]', function(){normalSearchBox('home')}) ; $('.

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