Free empty Leg Flights
Complimentary empty leg flightsComplimentary Empty Legs, Jet Charter Specials, Free Club Participation New Flight
The Club New Face is free now! The members are informed every week about new empty routes available throughout the country as well as about reduced fares, price specials and free promotions. "Yacht Charter Stories" are the latest features every Wednesday - exclusive charter, promotions, price highlight. The Club New Fly is free of charge. The Club New Flyer e-mails are sent once a month and contain useful information such as the top 100 forthcoming flights to be discontinued, idle times, free of charge customized caterers, free of charge floor transport and new planes with price points.
A free promotional offer for your own private jet: The JetSmarter flight is free with empty legs on Christmas and New Year's Eve.
Whatever the vacation around the corner, they all have one characteristic: your travelling season will be shit. I wish you could just buy a personal plane. Cause right now you can go flying on one for free. The JetSmarter (the Uber for Privatjets) offers completely free trips on empty flights on 25 and 31 December.
Simply browse and browse the JetSmarter application on your mobile device, like the Facebook page of the Privatjet charters, followed its Twitter and Instagram and then publish a picture where you can spend the holiday with the hash day #TisTheSeasonToFly. Now, the commercial hash day has achieved 10,000 interactive flights, all empty legged flights are free to non-members, with possible flights from LA to Vegas, Miami to NYC, NYC to Boston and more.
Naturally you have to find your own way back with empty flights. However, if your colleagues ask you what you did on New Year's Eve, you will be able to say that you drank a glass of champaign in a personal plane instead of sipping it at home. If you haven't already done so, set up your JetSmarter or JetSmarter flight details, grab your pockets, and look for flights on JetSmarter's Facebook page before you go.