Institute of Chartered Secretaries & Administrators
The Institute of Admitted Secretaries & Administrators???) is an autonomous technical panel devoted to promoting the roles of its members in the definition and efficient application of good government policy in Hong Kong and throughout China and the evolution of the Chartered Secretary profession.
HKICS also functions as the China Division of the Institute through its cooperation with the Institute of Chartered Secretaryaries and Administrators (ICSA). It is a sustainable overall skill that covers topics such as good practices in the areas of good practices, tax, corporate stewardship, tax, corporate affairs, tax, corporate affairs, financial reporting, tax and business ethics. Those who have an appropriate degree or vocational qualifications, such as bookkeeping, finance, legal and managerial skills, have an indemnification guideline that allows up to a max. of 4 technical indemnities from the two occupational programmes Part I and II according to IQS.
Any exceptions shall be at the Institute's sole discretion only and the subcommittee on exceptions shall take the ultimate decisions. Take the postgraduate course collaboration programs designed by the Institute and your university: the postgraduate course is a collaboration between the Institute and you: the University of St. Petersburg: The City University of Hong Kong, The Open University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, resulting in full IQS leave for alumni.
After appropriate professional experiences before, during or after the exam, the students can become Associates (3-6 years) or Fellow (8 years or longer) of HKICS. A double affiliation is available from both HKICS and the ICSA as a qualifying member. Recognized by other departments in other jurisdictions such as the UK, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Malaysia, Australia, South Africa and more than 60 other jurisdictions around the globe.
Members of Hong Kong Companies are widely recognized by government agencies,[3] government al organizations, law enforcement agencies, regulatory agencies, and regulatory authorities as well as by the Hong Kong Companies Ordinance and Listings Regulations for their work.