Uber Taxi hk

About Taxi hk

And why sleazy cabs run the roads of Hong Kong... and about can't get a rest.

The hope of a spell formulation to rescue a deeply rooted and traditionally monopolised market from the attack of a tech that does not vanish or give way only exacerbates the issue. In December last year, the South China Morning Post announced that the Association for the Rights of Liberty Taxi Drivers had warned that it would initiate a legal challenge against the authorities if it actually accepted the Consumer Council's proposals to legalize companies such as Uber in Hong Kong, in which it claimed that such a move would harm the taxi business.

Gilly Wong, CEO of the Hong Kong Consumer Council, recently proposed that "a gradual stance can minimize the effects of taxi interruption caused by e-hauling services". In fact, riding tailing will not violate Hong Kong's incumbent taxiopoly. "Consumer Council's Consumer Council is a very unjust assessment for us, as this new service does not require license fee payments from the operator, while the operator spends about HK$7 million on the taxi license," said Don Li Lam-cheung, an official of the group.

Hongkong users seem to be taken as hostages by an abnormally noisy taxi licensee royalty. Governments show frankly their unwillingness and unwillingness to make hard choices by crouching behind legislation that makes riding unlawful. Governments have wreaked havoc and extended the period of chaos by permitting taxis to trade like apartments purchased and resold by non-drivers.

The Transport Department says that more than half of Hong Kong's taxi fleet is at least seven years old. However, the number of taxi ilices has been limited by the federal administration to around 18,000, which has led to an overestimation of the number of taxi ilicenses. Those guidelines account for why our taxi cars look more and more like the emaciated New York taxi cars that rattle in Martin Scorcese's taxi drivers on the 1970s highways.

Nevertheless, there are certain special features that hamper the city's strong focus on Uber and other applications. When it comes to changing markets or technologies, the problem is that Hong Kong's high density and sophisticated metropolitan area is creating a climate in which it is still relatively simple for traffic consumers to mark a taxi or find an alternative.

Falling taxi services and terms may be confusing, but they are not unreasonable. In combination with Hong Kong's first-class and comfortable minibus, bus and MTR networks, a poor taxi ride is acceptable or preventable for the relatively brief journeys of the area. The lawyers can make a complaint and say that Uber is better, but the consumer is not angry enough to go out on the street to assist Uber.

Apple's frightening graphic versus Research In Motion after the 2007 iPhone launch shows what happens when a business completely lacks an innovative product without state protections. In order to maintain a deteriorating economy, both the authorities and the taxi driver are working together. Tried-and-tested, widespread drive-hauling technologies and their advantages should bring the value of taxi licenses in Hong Kong to almost zero.

Licence holders and financiers should leave the sector at such excessive, financially bubble-like levels. But the attack on a single market will not work because the Hong Kong authorities hate to react to it or any other antitrust. Changes will only happen if enough visitors and overseas experts visiting and attending technology-enhancing InvestorHK meetings ask themselves why Uber is repressed even though the application is up.

Then they are exposed to a moderate standard of taxi services not tolerable in advanced towns. Hong Kong's administration cannot persuade the rest of the planet that it is a reliable partner or technical capability plattform on the continent when China runs a multi-apps eco-system and Hong Kong is struggling to introduce non-cash taxi payments.

She must be aware that even in Hong Kong's free market, sometimes it is necessary to save the capitalist system and its people from rental agreements that are blocking it. By the time the web can build homes, our taxi system should be the simplest antitrust to breach and be reformed. Rather than addressing and handling many of the urgent questions of Hong Kong's QoL, the Hong Kong administration has recently deflected itself by persistently squandering policy funds in support of the hard-fought Justice Minister Teresa Cheng Yeuk-wah.

Defense defenses of taxi driver and goverment have the stink of a winding dead - and the tech is the murderer.

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