Cinnamon Stick Air Freshener
Zimtstange air freshenerTen DIY air fresheners that you can make at home in minutes.
Turning your house, flat or business into a good place is sometimes as easy as making it smelly good. Remember to go to your home after a working session and enjoy the scent of cinnamon, bake biscuits..... Freshly scented rooms make us much more happy than smelly, dark rooms (just think how you felt in your big collegiate apartment).
You don't have to walk into the shop to make sure your home smells good. Not only are these easy to handle di-y products inexpensive, they make your home smell good in no time at all. In order to make this easy preparation, you only need: -a small saucepan-a small amount of hot tap -water-rosemary-1 lemon-vanilla extract-fill the saucepan to about 2/3 with a little amount of hot tap-full.
1 slice of citron and a few twigs of sprigs of rosemary. Cook this mix all morning, it will fill your rooms with a divine fragrance. Use the same mix for about 2 whole nights, but you will want to modify it afterwards, otherwise it smells a little strange. The production of fragrant wooden logs is simple.
Wooden block - Fragrance oils or perfumes - Small paintbrushes Brush or spray to conceal the wooden block in the fragrance or olive-oil. They can even freshen up your logs over a period of times by just putting more on them.
Zimtstangen | Buy at Nature's Garden Herbs
Use: 1. cinnamon canes can be used as a naturally decorative element in candles. Candleswax should not be added to candleswax that is actually burnt. Can be added to cyclone bowls that are never burnt, or just placed around the basis of columns as decorations. However, aromatic plants can be added to the cartridge and used as non-burning cakes.
Zimt can be used in Footbaths to decrease the frequency of albicanandida. A 1974 Journal of Science published study showing the capacity of cinnamon to retard the development of most yeast and molds. Please note: Natures Garden markets our plants for outside use only. We' re not selling them for groceries.
Such information has not been analysed by the Food and Drug Administration). Keeping all spices out of the children's and pets' reach. Keep spices out of the way. Especially expectant and/or breastfeeding mothers should be careful when dealing with a herb. Naturures Garden assumes no liability (written or tacit) for any product you make with our ingredients.