Pco Badge Booking
Booking of Pco BadgesAt present there is an upper agescale for each new car proposed for registration. Vehicles must not be more than 5 years old from the date of production. Furthermore, no car can be registered beyond the date of production and beyond the date of 10 years of life. What is the maximum permitted age for my car?
To improve London's indoor climate, improve passenger comfort and improve passenger comfort, the Mayors Climate Team has set maximum ages for registered cabs and car rentals, and if your car is too old, it will not be registered. Effective January 1, 2012, privately rented cars 10 years or older will no longer be registered.
Effective April 1, 2012, no new privately rented car older than 5 years will be registered. Limitations on ages apply and exempt cars can be licenced for another 5 years. Transport for London has currently contracted out the car rental car inspections to NSL Ltd. and there are six car rental car inspections in the London area.
In order to make an inspection and licensing date for your car, call the nearest authorized service center on 0343 222 5555. When you have reserved your car for your driving license, please take the following with you: - The following documents: Your current license level (PHV if applicable). DVLA or the new AFRL (Vehicle Automotive First Registration & Licence) schema that has been awarded by the retailer.
If applicable, all other documents related to the specific type of car, e.g. individual car approval (SVA), proof of changes or adaptations to the car, etc. How does the PCO driving license look like? LICENSEED cars must have the license plates affixed to both the front and back window of the car, and if the car does not display them, it is unlikely to be licenced and in violation of the Act.
Plates on the tag are the license plate, the license plate and the expiration date.