World Travel Route

global itinerary

Kick-Ass 12 route ideas for the world tour If you don't have any more thoughts to travel the world, look at this. I' ve collected 12 route suggestions that will certainly make for some great adventure! It is a challenging and sluggish route with long distance travel by means of local transportation, but it is unexpectedly attractive to long-term travelers. From Cairo to the Cape, it follows a somewhat random route from Egypt to South Africa (or the other way round), covering at least eight nations over 10,000km.

This route was conceived in the nineteenth and eighteenth centuries, when an attempt was made to construct a railway system along the Cape to Cairo. Several travelers traveled from Cairo to Cape Town. The majority chose the precise route, with a few roundabout routes to Uganda, Malawi or Namibia.

There is a six-month limit for this route. Probably the most beloved cross-country route in the world, the Pan-American Highway provides a 30,000 kilometre drive on the west side of the United States. The tour begins in Prudhoe Bay in northern Alaska and ends on the inofficial route 12 lands later in Ushuaia, Argentina.

Frequently mistakenly referred to as "just one road", the pan-American is indeed a web of highways. When you take the shorter route, the length is approximately 25,000 kilometers. And the best way to make this a true adventurous route is to dare as much as possible, for example through additional destinations such as Belize, Bolivia and Paraguay.

You may also consider travelling solely by means of local transportation. Famous for their red tape and corrupt practices, the Stans are five states in Central Asia, a remote part of the world. They are not too beloved by the masses, but for many adventurers and bikers they are an absolutely top goal.

In order to understand the whole thing, there is a great resource under Caravanistan - The Silk Road Travel Guide. Best way to travel the Stans is to begin in Kyrgyzstan. The best place to go to Central Asia is in early summer. When you are on vacation, simply go to Kyrgyzstan and try to get a special trip to a specific state.

I' ve come across a number of Britons who have invented a route that originated in their home state. Famous for its headhunting strains, it is one of the most isolated lands in the world. The adventurer Will Hatton chose to take two to four years to finish this long-distance trip by not using airplanes.

Join the mom of all highways. A previous paper has investigated the possibilities of travelling the world in a direct line on the longest cross-country route. It runs from Liberia to China without passing through an oceans or larger waters and covers 18 nations and areas with a length of 13,589km.

To my best belief, no one has ever tried to follow this route. 29,000 leagues through 14 nations to take pictures of 150 USSR buses stopping. Christoph traveled from the banks of the Black Sea to the vast Kazakh steppes by auto, coach, bicycle and cab to chase them. I' m not sure exactly which route he covered, but I guess it's possible to do everything in one go.

Europe from the far northern most to the far southern most, all on the street. Nordkap is the most northerly point accessible via the EU motorway system and is located in Norway. De Bruyn Joubert tries within five years to bike from coastline to coastline through all seven continents and 70 states.

Above shows the already traveled destinations and his maps for South America and Africa. Watch his adventure on Facebook and see his precise route here in real time. To circumnavigate the world in a linear line seems like a reasonable way. Lively evidence is Simon Reeve, who traveled the world' s crest in a BBC show.

In order to travel this route, some difficulty can be expected in locating non-stop services to these African states. Brazil and Africa have the best air routes through Ethiopia. Bonuses: In this way you can also address the issue of visits to war-torn Somalia. Simply drive from Ethiopia to Somaliland, which is still part of Somalia and much more safe to do.

So why don't you go to the right end of the visitor lists? At the top you will find the 10 least frequented nations in the world. Few in the world ever attended all of them, an example being the Norway globe-trotter Gunnar Garfors. As far as the route is concerned, there are no simple answers.

If you visit Somaliland to remain sure, do not try Mogadishu. There' s a very secretive and intriguing world out there in places that don't even formally exists. Lack ing either of diplomatic or UN accreditation, these non-recognised nations are often on the verge of illegitimacy. Since I was three myself, I can say with certainty that the visit of (partly) unrecognized states is one of the most intriguing things a traveler can do.

During a 5-part BBC travel film, Simon Reeve travelled to Somaliland (i.e. Somalia), Transnistria (i.e. Moldova), Taiwan (i.e. the Republic of China), South Ossetia and Abkhazia (i.e. Georgia) and Nagorno-Karabakh (Armenia/Azerbaijan). When you want to travel to Abkhazia, it is best to travel from Russia. Consider it twice before you go to the republics of Luhansk and Donetsk.

And if you are simply not satisfied with visits to all the world' s 325 nations and regions, why not try to do so? Travelers' Century Club only mentions 21 individuals who have ever achieved this historic landmark. To see how airline companies are sponsoring their travels around the world, often while they stay in luxurious free accommodation, please go to his website!

So why not use the trip to register with Guinness World Records? Doubtless there are even more great things you can think of to travel the world.

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